Chapter 19

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Eve sat at the dinubg table, shoveling eggs and toast into her mouth. One of her naked Barbie dolls were sitting where utensils should have gone. She was wearing her school uniform, now the winter version for the cold weather. She had on khaki pants which she was not fond of. Eve had never been fond of pants, but leggings, tights, and sorta were all fine. The shirt was a dark green polo, already with dirt stains from the day before. Her auburn hair, though had been brushed, frizzed up and stuck up as it pleased.

"Crowley's here," Aziraphale told Eve, giving her a kiss on the forehead. It wasn't a mystery on how he could always tell when his counter part arrived. After six thousand years, you learn to sence one's precense. "Do you have everything?"

Eve nodded her head, shoveling in the last of her breakfast. She gave Aziraphale a quick hug and hurried to finish getting ready, still chewing the food in her chipmunk cheeks. She slipped on her rain boots, as she didn't want to dirty her other shoes in the rain. Finally came her jacket, it was a bright red faux leather jacket Crowley got for her when the weather got colder.

"I love you!" Eve called out, even though it was muffled slightly by the food in her mouth.

Aziraphale smiled. Even if he heard her say it five times a day, it meant so much to hear her say it. "I love you too Sweetums," he told her, handing her the cat backpack as she ran down the stairs.

Eve was quick to greet Crowley as she ran out of the store. "Good morning Dad," she declared, giving him a large smile. It was a common mistake of thinking all her excitement in theorninf was indeed for school, far unlike any child. Her excitement int he morning is lwahs to see Crowley. She always hates it when he leaves at night, but loves when he comes in the morning.

"Let's get this over with," Crowley sighed, helping Eve buckle up. Crowley has never been aorning person, unless morning started around noon. Even if he has gotten up earlier for months now to spend time with his daughter, he would have still preferred to be sleeping. He'd never tell Eve that though.

They just had their own private concert as Crowley hazardously drove through morning traffic. He pulled up to his usually spot, quickly hearing a "I love you," Come from Eve as she hoped out the door. If she stayed in the car too long Crowley was sure to ask questions. But if she slowly took her time walking the block to school, there would need to be no questions to be answered.

Even though Eve gets ropped off at school fifteen minuets before classes begin, she manages to just make it to her cubby by that time. Her teacher, Sister Patel, a fresh face to the monastery, had grown used to Eve coming in a minuet late, along with annoyed.

Eve stuck to the walls as she walked to the seat farthest in the back. She'dade sure she'd always sit there, even with thseat changes. The four other students at her table were just how you'd expect them to be, over active kindergarteners, yet obident kids. Unlike Eve, who had a habit of not listening to authority, and have already caught on to her dad's sleeping pattern.

After the usual morning greetings they got into the swing of things. Which caused an excitement in the class. "Alright, alright," the nun sighed to hush the children. "Could you remind me again who's turn it was this week?"

Two student's hands shot into the air. There should have been three, but Eve didn't want to participate in what was to come. It was time for show and tell. The class had started doing so about a month into school. Every Thursday three students would bring in something to show the class. Sister Patel said it was so the class could learn more about each other. Commonly students brought in toys, family heirlooms, or even had their parent help bring in their pet. They were getting close to the end of the class list, making it so Eve couldn't put it off much longer.

Eve never had been interested in participating. She didn't want people to know about her. They would use it against her toake her miserable. And that was just with the information. She needed to willing give it herself, in front of them all. With all their eyes on her. With antixipation, and expectations.

"Godeleve," the teacher called her out. Eve didn't even like her teacher calling her by nickname. That was for people she trusts, and Sister Patel was not one of them. "Since you didn't rase your hand, how about you go first?"

Eve wasn't the easiest student. She was smarter than the other students, and it showed, even beyond her going to special classes after religious lessons. She questioned everything she possibly could, and wouldn't let up until she got an answer. At the beginning Patel was ecstatic about a students so into learning, now is annoyed by her condisending tone. And Eve knew it.

"I didn't bring anything," Eve told her nonchalantly. She could see the nun's eye twitch from across the room.

The teacher forced on a smile, figuring she was debating if it was worth joining the monastery. "I'm sure there's something you have you could talk about."

The girl and the teacher had a stare down from across the room. That was until all other students got ansy. Eve, not wanting to get on their bad side, took something out of her backpack and walked to the front of the room.

Eve angrily unfolded her quilt and held it up to the class so they could see all the detailed squares. Her personal favorite with the top left, with the pattern of a crocheted apple. "That's just your nap blanket!" some boy, she hadn't care to learn his name, said from his table.

"Now, now," the teacher hushed the class, "What do you have to share Eve." Eve just kept on the stoci look, looking across the attentive class. She quickly cracked under all the eyes, her vision flickering. Her gaze snapped to the floor, squinting her eyes shut, and trying to get the bad thoughts to go away. " Go on Eve, just one statement will do," Patel urged her.

Eve didn't care about pleasing her, she cared about sitting down. "This was the blanket I was found in when I was on the step of the abbey." With that one, question enducing, sentances Eve rushed back to her seat.

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