Chapter 15

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"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Aziraphale asked the table.

Eve looked up from her bowl of tomatoe soup, while still trying to eat it. "For what?" she questioned, tilting her head in confusion, and spilling half the spoonful onto her face and shirt.

Crowley groaned and picked up a napkin. "Pay attention when your eating, or you'll make a bigger mess," he scolded her, whipping off her face, and dabbing what he could of her shirt. "Change after your done eating." No use in soiling two shirts, as if this girl could do anything, it would be making messes.

"Okay," she qighed, pouting a bit.

Aziraphale smiled, and couldn't help but snicker at the interaction. He remembered the one point when Crowley would deny the fact he even like the girl. Now the demon was slowly reverting back into Nanny mode which had been hybernating since they left the Dowling household.

"Well, Sweety," Aziraphale quickly reverted back to the precious topic, "You'll become our daughter tomorrow." He was completely excited for the court hearing the flowing day. Crowley was playing it off impartial, saying 'If it wasn't required I wouldn't even go'.

Eve's eyes went wide and worried. "I'm not your daughter?" she questioned, sounding close to tears.

"No, no, no," the angel was quick to refute, having a comforting smile on his face, though he was frightened by her reaction. "You are our daughter," it felt strange for him to say that, even more so that he truly meant it. "It's just a formality so everyone else know your our daughter."

Eve nodded in understanding, but got lost in thought. It was obvious to tell. She was sitting still with her eyes squinting down at her red soup. "What are you thinking about?" Crowley questioned with a sigh, slightly worried about what was going on in her head.

She was silent for a moment, figuring out exactly how to say her thoughts. "Am I keeping the ladt name Lox?" she asked timidly. The two men quickly made eye contact. They never thought about that, not really thinking it of aportance.

The two quickly got lost in their own thought. "Crowliphale?" Aziraphale quickly offered, not sounding ded set on it even as he said it.

Crowley shook his head, " Crowley-Ziraphale," he stated, so it was going to be so.

Eve started fidgeting again and burst her lipsm "Godeleve Pandora Crowley-Ziraphale," she said her name, as if it was moving in on her lips. She did a light nod and returned to scrapping the bottom of the bowl for what soup was left.

"Do you want more?" the angel asked, not very fond of the sound of metal on porcelain.

Eve quickly stopped what she was doing, and leaned back in her chair. "Can I watch Tv?" she asked. On weekends she needed to get permission to watch the television.

"Alright," the angel agreed, "Not too much, tomorrow's an early morning."

Eve nodded and slid out of her chair, rushing to climb onto the couch. "Change first," the demon remind her before she got to far.  Eve gave out an over dramatic groan, before rushing off to her room. "Do you think she's gonna watch it again?" the demon questioned, gathering the empty dishes from the table. When Aziraphale cooked, Crowley would do the dishes, which was more of a couple miracles than hard work.

Aziraphale sighed at the question the demon brought up." My guess is she will, " he confessed, "She likes it so much, I would feel bad telling her she can't watch it again." Over the past week Eve has watched the same movie everyday. Now neither of them found the movie terrible, just content with seeing it after the fourth time. But she continues to re-watch it, as I gaged as she was the first time.

Eve ran out of her room in her nighty. It was just a long tee shirt pattern with a white cat printed on the front. She grabbed the remotes and quickly pulled up what to watch. Just by the opening song the two knew she had turned on Into The Spiderverse. It wasn't even the first time she watched it that day. "Miles!" she cried out when her favorite character appeared on screen.

While the two didn't mind how much she liked the movie, they could only handle seeing it soany times a day. The two fled to the kitchen to brainstorm ideas to turn off theovie, without upsetting the girl. They did not want to deal a temper tantrum. They've learned that the hard way. An idea came to the demon has he put away the last dish.

"Hey monster!" Crowley called out to the girl, having the angel follow him. "How aboute make a fort?"

Eve's attention was taken away from the movie for only a second, before she was lost again.

The angel quickly figure what then demon was trying to do. "That's a wonderful idea," Aziraphale agreed, and turned off the television, causing the girl to snap her head at him and glare. "Come on, we're building a fort, them let's watch something together."

The three went around gathering all the supplies they could to build a fort. From the couch cussions, dining chair, blankets and pillows. It was a simple creation. The cusiona and pillows were placed on the ground, while a shhet was throne over top, kept up by the dining chairs. But stoll it supplied comfort, and Eve's interest.

Instead of turning theovie back on, they chose a cartoon of the girl's choosing, which  just played in the background as she fell asleep. As she slept between her two parents, the angel hadn't noticed the demon fell asleep, not how late it had gotten.

Aziraphale haphazardly climbed out of the fort, careful not to wake up the girl. With the same caution he picked her up and brought her to her room. The clock on the wall read 9:56 as he was returning to deassemble the fort.

He had expected the demon to be already doing so, not curled up and asleep. "Dear," Aziraphale called out softly, "It's late."

With a groggy groan the demon woke up, "I'll head back," he assured the angel, half aware. Crowley stood up, taking the sheet with him. Aziraphale snickered and pulled the sheet off of the other.

"You can stay here, there is a bed I never use," the angel offered.

Croey shook his head slowly, and fixed his sun glasses. "Nah," he refused, still half asleep. "I'll see you in the morning. I love you." He then kissed the angel on the forehead, much like he would to Eve when they put her to bed.

It took all of 48 seconds for the two to realize what had transpired. Crowley was now fully awake, and Aziraphale was highly flustered. "Well, good night, Angel," Crowley quickly played it off, as he practically fell down the stairs, trying to get away fast enough.

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