Chapter 20

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Eve used to love reccess. There was practically no authority. You could do anything short of killing another student. She loved that freedom, expecially after hours of the suffocating riegn of Sister Patel. In the early months of school Eve would have been splashing in puddles, pulling weeds, climbing trees, or just running around at a reckless pace. All of those resulted in her dads discomfort . Eve would come home with cuts and bruises, and the common mud splatter. This would cause Papa to fret over her for hours, making sure every wound was treated.

Eve didn't want to cause them any trouble so she stopped all her favotire activities. I favor she'd go to the swings, taking the far one out of the four. She had learned how to pump by watching the other kids come and go, just recently getting a hang of it.

"Do you need a bush, plotch?" a whiny voice asked as Eve shakily started pumping. The guy came from a first grade class, but commonly picked on Eve during recess. It all started with her skin plotches, saying something gross was growing in her. Then it just became fun for him.

"No,"Eve cried as he and his buddies gar her trapped on the swing, by standing on either side of the swings reach, pushing her as she passed." Stop! "Eve literally cried, tears in her eyes. She awkwardly gripped the chains of the swing from help, restraining herself. That caused the swing to sawy wildly, throwing the girl the the ground.

The boys just walked away laughing. Eve was just a cowering mass on the asphalt. Her knees and worst were scrapped from the fall, but that didn't feel like the worst to her. The bow her Dad helped put her hair in, in the morning fell out. He had been so happy to help her Sha had never wanted to take it out.

Eve just stayed there, to hurt to get anywhere. She only got help when a nun came through to make sure all the kids were heading in with the whistle. Instead Eve got brought to the nurse's office. As the kind woman cleaned her scrapes, Eve could only think of the conversation she would have with her parents.

Eve would run into the book shop, like usual, but this time less quickly, and with a limp. She'd still greet Aziraphale with the same joy and hug as always. But instead of happiness of her being home he'd have worry in his eyes.

"What happen?" he asked I concern, crouching down to be her level, as he stroked the bandaid on her plans.

Eve would stick out her lip, as she had been asked the same question on the car ride home. "I jumped out of a tree," she lied nonchalantly. Eve never liked lying, but she also didn't want them to worry more about her.

Aziraphale's look of worry quickly turned to disappointment. "You said you wouldn't do that again," the angel would remind her, causing an even harsher pout.

"Hey," Crowley would shrugg from his place in the door way, "This will teach her not to jump from high places."

Eve awkwardly walked back to class both because of her injuries, and cause she didn't want to go back. She hated religion class the most, but it came in the territory of going to a Christian school, that her late ex- grandmother chose for her to go to to get the "bastard" out of her. She never agreed with what they taught, and voiced it throughly.

"Eve," Sister Patel huffed as the girl shut the door. "Where have you been? " Eve held up the sheet of paper, recognizable by the pink tone as a nurse's pass. She slammed it on the table near the door and shuffled to her seat, finding the activity of the day.

With it being the beginning of December, it only meant one thing. Christmas, and learning of the birth of Christ. Seeing as no other student was working on the coloring sheet, Eve figured it was still lecture time.

She just leaned back, to watch the show, picking at the blood stained edges of her now torn pants. She figured if she would have still been allowed to wear a skirt, there would be one less ruin article of clothing in her possession.

"The angel Gabriel," that name gained Eve's attention. For more reeson than one.

"Archangel," Eve corrected her teach, not even waiting with the raise of a hand. She blurted it right out for the class to hear.

Sister Patel galanced back and let out a tired sigh, done with these little comments from Eve. "Then archangel Gabriel came down to Mary, to give her the news that she would bear the Lord's child." The Nun picked up the Bible to read off the section, only to see a small bandaged hand sticking in the air. "Yes Eve?" she sighed, wanting to get it over with.

"With Mary being chosen, would that Mae God a lesbian?" the young girl questioned with complete sincerity. This was actually a genuine question for Eve.

Sister Patel was confused. Everything the girl had previous pointed out, had been correct in some term, but this came from no where. "Mary was chosen for she was pure and free of sin," Sister Patel explained, " She was also a woman, so capable of bearing a child."

"And God isn't a woman!" some kid yelled out.

Eve stood up and slammed her hands in the table. "Obviously!" she pointed out, "God dosent have a gender in the way we comprehend, but she chose to present as female. So if she liked Mary that much, wouldn't that make her lesbian."

There was another key reason Eve did not like school, Saint Francis Prepitory, expecially. It wasn't just a catholic school, a traditional catholic school. "Eve," Sister Patel said in theost serious tone she had yet to address the child with. "Same sex relationship are a sin, a dastardous one at that. The holy father is not a woman. You should be punished for what you have said today."

Eve glared at the nun, fire burning in her eyes. "Love is love, and a person is a person. If someone loving someone of the same GENDER is a sin, then I shall face God and walk backwards into hell."

The nun had never grown as furious with Eve as she had done that day. Even when Eve asked if Satan was the good guy. Despite everything, she knew Eve didn't have a stable home life at the moment, and thought that was the cause of her actions. With this logic Sister Patel couldn't bring herself to punish the child. "How about you head to special class now Eve," she told the girl, just wanting to get her out of the room.

Eve stood up, and grabbed her things. Despite her injuries Eve walked out with her shoulders wide, and with long sturdy strides, like a soldier.

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