Chapter 23

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Eve was still up to a trip to the park, despite the sticky bandages on her knees. She was still clad in her school uniform, but had her yellow coat over it, and her rain boat on. The three walked kand in hand to their bench, Eve happily skipping between the two. "Snow," she cheered as they approached the feild. The white flakes wrew still fluttering down from the sky, so few people were in the park, leaving the snow untouched, only for a moment.

Eve rushed off to play in the snow. Before she let go of her parent's hands, she pulled them closer together and forced the two hands to clasped together, instead of in her own. She didn't stick around to deal with the reprocutions, and clomped off into the thin layer of snow.

Both were surprised, and flustered by the girls actions. Blushes were burning on their cheeks, and not from the clod air. Each felt they should let go, as it could have made the other uncomfortable, but couldn't seem to take it away themselves. That was until they reached their snow covered bench.

"Allow me," Aziraphale offered, brushing off the snow from the seats, as the not cause them discomfort.

They sat in silence for aoment, just listening to the crunching of snow and giggles coming from their daughter playing behind them. A worry about her came to Aziraphale's mind. "Do you believe what she said?" the angel wondered.

"About what?" Crowley questioned, "Being fine coming here?" The demon turned to look back to see her flopped down into the snow, letting out a sigh. "Seems fine to me."

Aziraphale let out his own depressed sigh, not of how dirty his daughter had gotten, as he was unaware, but from Crowley understanding the question. "No," he groaned, "Of how she got her injuries. They have been getting substantially worse, and ladt I checked trees do not grow that quickly."

"Maybe she's climbing higher?" Crowley suggested. He could imagine any other way she could possibly get injured. While a bit clumsy, not enough to cause harm. She was a nice girl in his eyes, and couldn't see her not getting along with anyone.

Aziraphale, was highly worried about the last one. "What if kids are picking on her," he stressed. "She is a bit odd, not in a bad way, but you know how kids are. There is plenty they could use, her skin, going to a special class, even her being adopted."

Crowley slid his arm around the angel with a light sigh. "You worry too much, Angel,the demon assured Aziraphale, "If she was being picked on, she'd tell us."

"I'm not so sure," Aziraphale sighed, "She was so worried about making friends with Them, that has to mean something."

Crowley gave him a smile. "Remeber what that nurse said," the demon pointed out, "Eve has some trust issues, she probably dose have a hard time making friends."

The angel gave in, "I guess your right. It's not like she isn't a happy child."

"Papa!" Eve screamed, running up to the bench, pants and jacket soaked, and stained with mud and grass. Crowley gave Aziraphale a look through his glasses, which entirely meant 'I told you so'. Eve pulled on Aziraphale's sleeve. "Come look at what I made!"

She dragged him out onto the, now messy, feild of snow, all of her doing. Her foot prints showed her irratic path around the park. There were small baisens created from scooped snow, and filled creators with where the snow was displaced. There were I tire sections where the snow was either missing, or tightly packed down.

Eve led h to one such areas. "I made a snow angel!" she declared, her throwing her arms out to frame her work. Across the field, many more could be spotted, but nine as clean as thus one.

"Indeed you have," Aziraphale declared, "And yourself dirty in the process."

"Which will be your job to handle," Crowley reminded them, walking up from behind.
He came over and crouched to be closer to eye level with Eve. "Did you make any snow demons?" he traded her.

The girl just pouted her lips and squinted, like she dose when she's deep in thought. "Give me ten minuets," she declared running off to work fast with the now melting snow. She had managed to create a two high snow man, with horns, with in that time. She declared it as her snow demon, satisfying, and warming the hear, of her dad.

The famoly didn't stay much longer, as they feared Eve catching a cold in wet clothing. Which caused an event of its own. While Crowley prepaired dinner (he decided to learn cooking himself all but two week ago) Azorpahle fought against Eve to take a bath. An hour later emerged, a wet, clean Eve, and an equally wet Aziraphale.

"Sometimes I think a miracle is needed to get her clean," the angel confessed, heading to his room to change into some new, dry clothing.

Crowley called after him from the kitchen, "You did a wonderful job angel." A mumbled thanks came through the walls, even if it seemed insincere.

Quickly after the sound of small feet padding up to him caught Crowley's attention. "Look what I drew today," Eve cheered, her sparkling eyes peering over the paper. The girl, who had seemed to have limitless enegery, was tammed by drawing, able to do the single activity for hours on end. For that sake, her father's encouraged it.

"Is it, another cat?" Crowley questioned. Most of what she drew were animals, surprisingly accurate animals, but animals none the less.

Eve vigorously shook her head, drying her hair a bit as a dog would. "It's a fox," she answered the unasked question. "Did you know they screen when the first meet their mate?" Eve had plenty of knowledge about plenty of animals. They assumed she read it all somewhere. "Wouldn't it just scare them off though. I don't like screaming."

"Its in celebration," Crowley said, taking the drawing from his daughter, to place it on the fridge with all the rest. "Wouldn't you celebrate when we meet the one you love."

"Did you with Papa?" Eve asked, causing a blush to appear in the demon's face.

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