Chapter 7

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Crowley's definition of "helping" when it comes to his plants, was more like observing. Despite his yelling, Eve just sat on the floor silently. She was not at all shaken by his actions, which jad someone else been observing, they would have been more concerned about her than the man screaming hell at plants.

"Die!" Eve soon yelled out and slammed her crutch down against the ground, leaning far out of the position she had previously been sitting in. "There was a bug," She explained simply. "I didn't want it eating your beautiful plants."

"Thanks, ya little monster," Crowley smiled at the girl and returned to scolding his plants.

Eve layed out across the ground. He head was near the pot of a plant, so she looked up through the leaves. "It's like being in a jungle," she said in awe.

Crowley scoffed, "Not really," he told her, "Mine is better."

Eve hummed, in what could only be assumed as agreement. "Ever thought of growing flowers?" she questioned, earning a weird look from the demon. "You get extra beauty from the bloom from all your hard work. You could even give them to Mr. Aziraphale."

Crowley blushed, and let out a groan. "Why do you think there's something between angel and I, we're just friends," he argued with the child.

Eve purst her lips and let out a rasberry. "It obvious," she pouted, "You like him."

"Kid, what do you know about love?" ha asked with a scoff, towering over where Eve was laying.

She sat up, as to better glare up at the demon. "You'd do anything for him, just like Dad would do for Mum. And Mr. Aziraphale would always make sure your happy, like Mum for Dad. You two love each other."

Crowley let out a sigh. From embarrassment, annoyance, or acceptance, is up to you to figure out." Love is a file thing for humans. There quick to settle down. "

Eve puffed her cheeks and crossed her as." Not with Mum and Dad. Mum waited until Dad got a sound career to get married. The Dad accepted Mum the way she was. They loved each other through and through. "

" You're too head strong," Crowley groaned, "And too young to fully understand. Nothing is as easy as you think it is."

Eve continued to keep eye-glasses contact with the demon. "Like walking?" she pointed out, "I've cried because of how hard it is to walk."

"That's your fault for breaking your leg," Crowley scoffed, trying to defend himself for a five year old. In his defense and intelligent five year old.

She puff her cheek again. "I was crushed by a car," Eve pointed out with anger in her voice.

Crowley sat down next to the girl, giving up, "You're too stubborn. No Ines gonna like you if you stay like that."

"You do," she disagreed.

Crowley, reached over and scratched her head, messing up her already messy hair. "Who said that?" he questioned "I just put up with you."

"If you didn't like me why did you help me on the bus?" Eve pointed out.

Crowley looked away from the kid, nodding his head. "Touche," he sighed. "You e grown on me, like a parasyte."

"A what?" Eve question, squinting and tilting her head.

Crowley smiled, so this kis already didn't know it. "I don't know," Crowley lied. He wanted to keep it where the kid didn't know everything.

Eve started clicking her tongue and looking around the minimally decorated flat. "Do you know what time it is?" she questioned.

Crowley being an immortal being, usually never payed attention to the time. He knew hours and minuets, and down to seconds. Yet he didn't keep as strict track of it as humans did. Probably because he has an eternity of time, while humans have less than 100 year on average. This has lead to him not owning a clock or watch.

He pulled out his cellphone, clicking it on to see the time. "3:15," he answered with a shrugh, like he had to strangers on the street before.

"I should go," Eve said, starting to struggle to get up in her foot. "I have a doctor's appointment."

"What for?" Crowley asked, plucking the girl up off the ground, instead of watching her struggle.

She sighed, and tucked her crutch under her arm. "Weekly x-ray," she explained, "New cast, might be able to start using my wrist..." Eve went down the all list she had built up from the previous three times of these appointments.

"By yourself?" Crowley asked in surprise.

Eve nodded, and started making her way to the front door. "Granny dosnet leave the house anymore, and Ms. Abbey needs to take care of her."

Crowley opened the front door for the girl. "I'll take you," he said, not giving her an option. He scooped up his car kets and shut the door to the flat behind him.

Crowley got Eve situated in the back. He was a bit worried about how the shoulder strap of the seat belt went right over her neck, so he just tucked it behind her instead, relying on the waist strap. "Thank you," Eve sang out as Crowley started driving.

As he drove he would glance ba k in the mirror from time to time. She was still swinging her legs, like she always done. Her mouth was moving but no words came out. The demon assumed he just couldn't hear it over Queen. He then turned it down to hear the slight mumble of the lyrics from the back seat. A smirk graced his lips as he turned the music back up.

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