Chapter 14

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The average day of Anthony J Crowley starts in his car. He picks Eve up from the book shop to drive her to Saint Francis Prepitory. The drives were filled with the two belting out Queen lyrics to the point the actually song could jo longer be heard, a habit started by a child and kept alive by a thousand year old demon. Crowley would then return to the book shop, to spend time with Aziraphale between him helping customers. Some days they would go out for lunch, and others the angel would continue to dabble in cooking, even getting the demon involved from time to time. When the time came he would drive back to the Prepitory to pick up Eve and return to the bookshop were the three would do what they pleased until Eves3bed time of 8:30 pm. With wanting his sleep of his own Crowley would return to his flat around 9 each night, leaving plenty of time to take care of his plants before the sleep his vessel had grown used to.

He was currently in the middle of what he was beginning to call, the daily grind. He was leaning against the Beny, watching in the not too far distance for his daughter. It was tricky with her attending a catholic school, which was conected to a cathedral, which meant sacred ground. So he would come to a point were it was a safe enough distance away where he wasn't uncomfortable, yet close enough that it wasn't awkward to pick someone up from the school.

Just like every other day Eve leasurely walked out of the gates. Crowley could always spot her with the red shine her hair gives in the sun. Not to mention the awkward way she walked, kicking her legs out in front of her with every slow step like she had all the time in the world and was just enjoying the veiw. That was until she'd glance down the block and she her dad waiting for her by his vintage car. She could give an Olympic sprint a run for their money by how quickly she runs to him.

"I love you," she'd greet him, hugging his legs, while giving him a wide smile.

Croey couldn't help but smile back. It's a new kind of feeling to see the joy of just being there for someone. "I love you too, little monster," he responded with a head rub. There was no fear in messing up the girl's hair, as it was already a mess.

The demon would help the girl into the now required car seat, before climbing in driver's side. "Any requests?" Croey asked the girl, flying past the other parents there to pick up their children.

It didn't even take Eve aoment to think. "Killer Queen!" she cried out. The demon had already been getting that song going. It had quickly became the girl's favorite, and would even be found singing it else where.

Once at the book shop the girl would be out of the car before the demon even knew it, and bouncing at the door for him to unlock it. Once the door held no resistance in ran Eve. "Papa!" she called out into the barren store for than angel, "We're home!"

Crowley leasurely followed in, finding the two in the back room. Like always Aziraphale was questioning the girl about her day. "We had a maths quiz today," Eve explained, while swaying on her feet. "I managed to get 9 out of 10. I'm still not good with tens subtraction."

"Wasn't that on your homework just last night?" the demon questioned. He vividly remembered the hours he spent trying, and somewhat succeeding at explaining the concept to the girl.

She nodded, "It was only one question..." Neither Crowley or Aziraphale knew much about school, so could only really help with what they were given, homework.

The angel was quick to change the subject. "I got an interesting call today," he told them with an excited glint in his eye. "We were invited to a Halloween Party by Adam Young." The angel clapped his hands together in excitement.

Crowley let out a hesitant sigh. "Phone calls are one thing, actually visiting is another," he pointed out. Every once in a while Adam would call the duo, as they had given him the shop phone number that faithful day. They were sorta godparents to him, answering questions his parents couldn't, or just listening to stories about his friends. It was a fine relation ship between the door a demon and angel and the ex-antichrist.

Aziraphale started pouting, "It would be at the young lady's... Anathema's Cottage, just the couple, us and the children in the after noon have tea and playing games."

Eve was just looking back and forth between the two. She was confuesed to a certain degree. She did not know who they wrre talking about, but by the tone she could tell they had to be friends. "I'm gonna go change," she told the two before either could speak again. "I love you," she sang as she ran up the stairs to the flat.

Crowley looked around, trying to find one excuse to tell the angel. "Fine," he sighed in agreement, just wanting his angel to be happy.

Aziraphale clapped with happiness and excitement. "I already have costume ideas!" he declared. "Next week is going to be busy," he started talking to himself. "The adoption hearing on Monday, then the party on Thursday. I'm scared Eve might miss too much school."

The two continued to talking about the plans as Eve entertained herself in her room, hearing sound effects come from her every once and a while. They had nothing to worry about until there was a loud thud that came from her room. Both rushed into to see what was going on. They just found Eve spralled out on the ground laughing to herself.

"What happened?" Aziraphale asked in worry.

Eve just sat up with a smile. "I jumped off the wardrobe." Both of the men paled at the thought. It was three times her height, not to mention practically impossible for her to climb.

"Don't do that again," Crowley snapped at her, completely out of worry, causing a slight hiss to escape afterwords.

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