Chapter 13

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The chime of the book shop's bell alerted the angel of someone's arrival. The book store's hours had recently changed, so evenings were free for the new family. Then there were only two keys for the door, one with Aziraphale, and one with Crowley. Now they would ha e given one to Eve, but they didn't want her going out on her own. They knew she could handle herself in the city, but would prefer not to worry.

"We're home!" Eve called out through the sound of her rushed footsteps. She rani to the back room and right into hugging the angel.

He patted her head as she let go of him. "How was school today?" he asked his daughter. He enjoyed hearing about her days, from what she did during recess, a lesson that intrigued her, or the kindergarten drama.

"I played in the mud!" she declared with excitement. She held up mud caked shoes, and dirt splattered socks. The angel glanced down at her legs to see some dried mud streaks, a teacher must have tried to clean her up a bit.

Azirapjale's eyes widened, "Oh dear," he sighed, "Let's go clean you up then I'll help you with any homework you have before dinner."

"Where are we going this time?" Crowley asked.

A little smirk appeared on Aziraphale's face, along with an excited glint in his eyes. "I thought I would make something," the angel explained, trying to hide in how excited he was.

"You can cook, Papa!?" Eve asked in astonishment. She had only ever gone out to eat for meals with the two. The only food ever prepared for her by the angel had either been tea or cocoa.

"I didn't know you could cook?" the demon questioned, knowing something was off. Through all the years of knowing the angel, not once has he cooked anything.

The angel puffed up his cheek in annoyance. "I can't learn something new?" he asked in defence.

The demon sighed, knowing the angel could have gone of if he so wished to. "Alright, you can start cooking, I'll go clean up this little monster," Crowley said, snooping up Eve and holding her a sack of potatoes. "It's time for a bath."

"No!" Eve cried, and wiggled in his arms, "I don't want to take a bath." Aziraphale could hear her protests as the two went up stairs before him.

After straightening up his office the angel climbed up the stairs, hearing an argument coming from the bathroom. "You're not coming out u til you're clean," Crowley yelled at a closed bathroom door.

"She isn't a fan of baths," Aziraphale chuckled. Over the past week he'd only tried to get her to bathe once, but the fit she through was not worth the effort to get her into the bathtub, while she was still relatively clean.

"I could gather," Crowley groaned, picking up his wet jacket from the ground. With a quick demonic miracle any drop of water on him or his jacket were now gone.

The now dry demon sauntered over to the kitchen, to inspect what the angel was doing. "When did you learn to cook?"

"Just recently, Ive read some recipes," he explained, while he gathered the ingredients for the meal he had naught earlier that day. "I also watched some cooking shows on that... Netflix, you sut up the other day. Eve sure dose use it alot though. I'm worried about it effecting her."

"Modt kids these days watch too much TV, besides you have that rule with the homework," Crowley shrugged it off, having more interest in the angel then the girl that was meant to be bathing.

Over the counter Aziraphale saw the bathroom door slowly creek open, and a little brunette stick her head out. "Eve," he called out to the girl in warning, "The longer you take to bath, the less time you have to do your homework, the less time to watch TV."

The two men just started down the girl, as she glared at them. "I hate you," she growled and backed into the bathroom.

"Thats not what you usually say sweetheart," Crowley teased her. It was common for the girl tell either of the two she loves them. It could be a heating, a good bye, or synonymous with a thank you. Not a simple "Love ya" always the three big aords; "I love you." Now Crowley and Aziraphale have quickly gotten into the habit of saying it back, as the girl would stand there and wait for that response even if it meant holding it to go to the bathroom.

Not a minuet after the bathroom door shut, could they hear the sloshing ariubd of bath water. "So she listens to reason," the angel commented, taking a mental note to help in future struggles.

"What are you making, Angel?" Crowley asked in curiosity.

Aziraphale smile with pride that someone was taking an interest into what he was doing. "A simple dish, as I don't want to do something I can't handle yet," he started, as he put a pot with water on the stove to boil. "Just spaghetti, and a side salad."

"Oh," the angel awed as he sat down on spare counter space. "Italian."

Sonner than either expect a loud "I'm done," came from the sitting room. They turned to see Eve standing beyond an open bathroom door, wrapped in a towel, and water drops dripping from her hair.

"Show your legs," the demon commanded. It's in his programming jot to easily trust, and seeing the devious ways of Eve, he knew not to easily trust her. But with a quick shifting of the towel revealed all mud gone.

The girl went of to get dressed, the angel continued to cook, while the demon popped open a bottle of wine. Recently they're consumption of alcohol has gone down due to the appearance of the girl. Do get it wrong, they still consume plenty, but jot for hours in end. They have a child to take care of.

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