Chapter 10

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A few days passed without Eve arriving at the book shop. A few days passed without Eve going to Crowley's flat. A few days passed where she didn't cause minor mayhem for the demon angel duo. A few days passed were the two worried.

Finally the day came where they could worry no more. They drove out to the girls home in the Hampshire neighborhood. They didn't even get out of the Bently to see the girl. She sat on the stoop of the door, clad in black and hugging her signature black cat backpack to her chest.

They we releaved at the sight of the girl being alright. Yet the worried stayed, with the sorrowful look on her face. The glow in her eyes were gone, just still pools of blue. She was as still as stone, all of her jitterness sucked out of her. Her sparkling smile had vanished from her face, instead was a tight frown. The girl was not alright.

Neither could get out of the car fast enough. "Eve," Aziraphale called out to the girl as he pulled open the fence. "What happened?"

Eve jolted up to look at the two men approaching. She ran to them, wrapping her stubby arms around the angels leg. "Take me with you," she pled, "I don't want to be alone." With every word her voice broke more and more, the tears banging on the dam.

The two were confused about what was going on, but so desperately wanted to help the girl. Crowley crouched down and patted the girls head, coaxing her to take her face out of Aziraphale leg. Once he could see her water blue eyes he gave her a smile. "It's gonna be alright ya monster." A small smile broke onto her face as she was called her nickname.

"Eve," a low voice called out from the front door, "Are you done packing?" Out stepped the familiar red headed nurse, Abbey. "They'll be here to pick you up soon." The nurse was no longer in scrubs, but a simple black dress.

Eve reluctantly let go of the angel. Her head nodded lightly, as her solemn expression returned. She turned around and sluggishly entered the house, looking back every moment she could.

"What happened?" Aziraphale asked the woman as she approached. The woman wore a similar look the girl held, but this so less intense.

The nurse was silent for a moment. "Mrs. Lox passed four days ago," she told them, knowing that wouldnt be distressing to the strangers. "She was the last of Evie's family. So now she's hrad of to a children's home."

The men didn't know how to take it. All they knew is the girl couldn't be taking it too well. First her parents died, leaving her with her ladt famoly, who hated her. Then even they go off and die. The girl was so young, but experienced enough death for a lifetime.

"Why aren't you taking her?" Crowley couldn't help but ask the question that was on his mind. It was obvious the woman and girl were close. Abbey had even stated they were famoly friends.

Abbey looked to the ground, having her bangs block her face from veiw." I am in no position to take care of a child. I live in a small flat, work too much, and am unmarried. I couldn't give her a good life. She has a better chance at getting adopted in a Child's home."

Aziraphale eyes widened in shock and worry. If Eve's hope was to get adopted, it was practically hopeless. He knew humans well, as he'd been with them for so long. They like looks the most, the girls skin was blotched with vitiligo. Even if the could look past that, they like normality, while it took a demon and an angel to get used to that child. Not to mention hand prefer male to female, even with children. Eve was doomed to a life of being alone. And with her knowledge, she knew it too.

A car pulled up behind the Bently. It was just a simple prius, with two women in front. The both stepped out, one more graceful than the other. The one driving wore a gray pant suit, reminding them of an angel. The other wore a jumper and jeans, with a messy bun atop her head.

"We're here to pick up Godeleve," the suit clad woman seared, reminding them even more of an angel. The woman started glaring at Abbey, who just stood there calmly.

Crowley stepped in to intervine. "She prefers to be called Eve," he informed the woman.

She proceeded to glare at him, despite the fact the demon was practically looming over her. "What matter do you have in any of this," she questioned, "I'm the lawyer taking care of everything in the Lox name, while I've never seen the two of you before."

"We're famoly friends," Crowley told them, not liking this woman one bit.

Aziraphale's face lit up with an idea. "Once we heard of late Mrs. Lox's passing we rushed her as soon as we could. We hoped we could take in Eve, she is vary dear to us."

The lawyer clicked her tongue and eyed the two men, judgeibg them with her gaze. "No can do, your not stated custody in any of the wills, so she must go to a child's home. I've dealt with enough 'family friend' custody battles to know better to hand it away."

The other woman finally came into the conversation, instead of standing around. "It you really want to take her in, you could adopt her through the proper channels," she offered. She pulled a business card out from seemingly no where. When in reality she carries a stack of them around on her st all times. "This is an adoption agency that works closely with the Child's Home I work at. If you give them a call, they'd be happy to help you get custody over Eve."

Eve stepped out from the ajar door. She looked as dejected as she had before. Now she hel a carrying suitcase, and dragged a rolling one behind her, as her bag was now on her back. "Time to go Eve," the lawyer declared. The other woman grabbed Eves free hand and walked her to the car. She glanced back one ladt time, pleading with her eyes at the pair.

A/N -

Should I enter this book into the Watty's?

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