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A/N.; This chapter is unedited. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day. Deuces!✌🏾



It has been over three months since I have seen Chris. Mama Brown is the middle man between him and I. I have tried to reach out to him to at least check on him, but he never responds. He always leaves me on read.

I am now nearly four months pregnant. So far this pregnancy has been easier than my pregnancy with Chance had been. I surely am not stressed like I had been.

It also helps that Jahmil is pretty much my personal Butler. He is my Alfred to my Batman. I barely lift a finger with him next to me. The only time I really have to do anything for myself is when he is at work, and even then he checks on me on the hour.

I am dropping Chance off at his grandma's house before I head to lunch with my brother. No, I do not mean one of Jah's brothers. I mean my blood brother, Terrance Junior.

Shit is crazy, isn't it? As crazy as it sounds, I am happy that we hashed things out. Now I have my brother in my life.

As for my dad, our relationship is a bit strained right now. I expected it but I had hoped otherwise. Him and Sharlene are still together so that caused a major strain on our relationship.

Luckily, I still fully have Junior on my side. Senior and I talk everyday, but the visits are scarce since he went back home. Junior lives out here in Cali in the vacation house that they all had been staying in out here when the shit storm happened.

He went from kissing Sharlene's colon to barely speaking to her. He stuck up for me and he confronted her for her wrong doings. Of course she blamed me, but what's new about that? Let her tell it, I am the bain of her existence. He also has gotten into the lives of my niece and nephew. I am proud of my brother for manning up to be the man I knew that he could be.

"Mama Brown!? We're here, mama!", I called walking inside using my key.

I had not gotten a response. Glancing around I did not see her out in the open where I usually find her when I come over.

"Mama Br-”

"Girl, you better quit all of that got damn yelling in my got damn house! You don't pay no bills in here!", She fussed from further inside of the house.

I let out a laugh sitting down Chance's carrier and unfastening him placing him on my hip. A few seconds later I could clearly hear Mama Brown's voice. She sounded like she was on the phone so I just played with Chance for the meantime.

However, I could not of been more wrong. She had not been on the phone at all. She stepped into the view drying her hands on a cup towel. Behind her a half a second later someone stepped into view, Chris.

He avoided meeting my gaze. Letting out a sigh I walked over to him handing him our son whom became excited at the sight of his father.

"Well, Mama B, I will see you later for Sunday dinner. I will be bringing Jahmil if that is okay w-"

"Don't bring that nigga to my mama house, Anise", he sneered finally meeting my gaze.

I turned my head ignoring his outburst, continuing what I had been saying.

"If it is okay with you Mama, I would like to bring my boyfriend to dinner with me", I asked for her permission.

Despite however Chris may feel, this is not his house. This is his mama's and if she says that she is okay with it then I will bring him. If not then I will respect her wishes. I have way too much respect for this woman and I consider her a mother as well. So fuck Chris' little tantrum.

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