Out of Bound

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"What the fuck is this!?", I asked staring angrily at my possibly ex-boyfriend, depending on his explanation.

He let out a groan. "What you trippin' on now?", he groaned in annoyance.

What the hell was he annoyed for? He was not the one constantly being dragged into bullshit. I was and this right here took the damn cake.

"Trip-boy, if you don't wake your ass up right now and explain to me what the fuck this is I will smother your ass with a pillow!", I snapped.

"What!? Damn, what!?", he snapped sitting up angrily.

I rolled my eyes, "Firstly, lower your damn tone. If any of the two of us has the right to be upset it's me. Secondly, what the fuck is this?", I spat shoving my phone screen in his face.

He blinked. Then he blinked again.

"Huh?", he said dumbly.

"Huh? Chris, I am trying to be patient, but you are driving my blood pressure through the got damn roof right now", I hissed.

He dragged a hand down his face.

"What's that, bae?", he mumbled.

I screwed my face up in anger. I was trying to keep myself from going off the deep end. Stress was not good for our son and I. However, stress triggers just seemed to be popping out of the woodworks as of late.

"Chris, I am through. I cannot do this anymore. If it is not one thing with you, then it is another", I said tiredly.

That seemed to wake him up instantly from his sleep induced haze.

"Morgan, what are you talking about? Baby, i'm hella confused right now. What can't you do anymore?", he said lowly reaching out for me, but I took a step back out of his reach with my hands raised.

"No. Do not touch me. I can't do this, us anymore. Look, I lo-"

"What the fuck you mean you can't do us anymore, Anise!?", he snapped tossing the covers off his body angrily, climbing out of bed to stand before me.

"Calm down, Chris", I muttered.

"Chris? The fuck you mean, Anise? You don't call me Chris. That shit for everybody else except you, my mama, and our kids. I don't wanna hear that bullshit come out ya mouth no mo'. You not leavin' me so get that fool ass shit out your head", he quipped.

"Christopher, I am not leaving you, but I cannot be with you any longer", I retorted because he obviously was not getting the picture I was painting him.

He folded his arms across his bare chest. "Okay. Where's your ten page essay on why you think you can leave me? That motherfucker better have proof to back up your thesis and all of that shit", he said sternly.

I rolled my eyes, "Man, you must be on something", I said dismissively.

He shook his head in denial. "Nah, fuck that. Where's your essay?", he said invading my personal space.

"Nigga, I don't need a fucking essay when the world knows about your bullshit", I sneered.

"Mor, stop playin' with me. What's going on? You giving me attitude 'n' shit for what? You need to chill before you hurt yourself", he said seemingly concerned.

I rolled my eyes tossing my phone to him as I took steps back to put distance between us. I did not want to be within his reach. I did not want him to touch me. Not after this.

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