Epilogue: When Love's Around (ALT 2)

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I smoothed down my dress, a small smile on my face as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was happy. I am happy. I turned sideways admiring how good happiness looked on my person.

Arms snaked around my waist, hands coming to rest on my large baby bump. His scent invaded my nostrils. His favorite cologne has become my own and the feel of his arms around me was always a welcomed added weight I loved to carry.

"You ready, baby whale?", called the annoying voice of my brother, TJ.

I rolled my eyes. Terrance Junior is still his same goofy-ass self.  Over time, my brother and I grew to be thick as thieves. I will not admit this aloud, but I had missed my brother. I missed the sibling bond we shared as brother and sister before Sharlene had poisoned my brother's love.

I cast one last glance at my reflection in the mirror before lowering my veil. "Yeah, I'm ready, stale breathed ass lil' boy", I retorted scrunching my face up in disgust for added measure.

Junior rolled his eyes before holding his hand out for me. With a smile upon my face, I took my brother's hand giving it a small squeeze. He wore a genuine smile upon his face as he guided me through the hall my special day was being held. We came to a stop in front of the ballroom the ceremony would be held.

"You look beautiful, MoMo. I'm happy to be here with you for this", TJ said as I took my bouquet from the wedding planner.

"Thank you, TJ. It means a lot that you're here, you, daddy, and Mya", I said appreciatively.

As much as I love my husband to be and his family, they were not my own. Though my side of the hall would have been scarce, I at the very least had a handful of people that I shared blood with there in attendance. Sharlene had not been an invitee. I prayed with my husband and alone about it, but it had brought me too much unrest just thinking about that woman. For my own peace, I did not send her an invitation.

Believe it or not, but I had actually sent Ariel an invitation to my wedding. I had concluded that she was just a lost little girl searching for attention. So much so, that she would do anything to have it. Even if it meant burning bridges with people that actually cared for her. As usual, Ariel sided with Sharlene declining my invitation along with a letter filled with words of malice.

I tried extending an olive branch to her and that was all that I could do. I was done with Ariel for good as well. I prayed for my younger sister and carried on. I would no longer allow for people to disturb my peace. If being in a healthy relationship has taught me anything it is that not everyone is meant to be a part of your life. A lesson I learned a long time ago, but my stubbornness had a hold on me that would not allow me to truly let those toxic people go.

"I know that it's been a long time coming, but I'm proud of you, Morgan. I should have told you this a long time ago. I should have been there for you and protected you. Even with all that you have been through, we put you through, you still are standing tall today. I admire you for that and I apologize for the part I played in hurting you for so long, MoMo", he started getting choked up. "I-I love you, Morgan, and I just wanted to get this off my chest. I know that you have forgiven me, but I just needed to apologize once more. And I wanted to remind you that you are worthy of love, peace, and happiness. I'm happy that you have found all three as well as someone to give you the love and people show you the love that we as your family failed to. I'm sorry", Junior apologized again, tears spilling from his eyes.

With a watery smile, I reached out gently wiping my brother's tears with the pad of my thumb. I was proud of my brother too. He has come a long way from the boy he once was. Terrance Junior is now a man. A man that takes responsibility for his actions and accountability for the words he speaks. He is actively involved in his children's lives and in a stable relationship with an incredible woman, Mya.

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