You Thought...

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A/N. : Hi! So I just want to give y'all a heads up about two things. One, the story is fast paced and two, the story has officially began. I hope that you enjoy this chapter, and please, do not be a ghost reader. Comment and please vote! Thank you in advance, deuces!✌️



Hands were clapped in front of my face startling me out of the trance I had fallen into. I look up into the face of Kae who was staring back at me with a look of concern upon her face. "Are you okay?", she asked. I nodded numbly. I was still processing the news. I was everything but okay at the moment.

"C'mon, Mor. Let's go get something to eat", Kae suggested, but I shook my head 'No'. "Nah, I just want to be alone right now. So can you drop me off at home?", I declined. She nodded, "Yeah, just let me go get your medicine then we can go", she agreed before leaving the room. I had sat there staring into space at a loss for words. I knew that there was a possibility of this happening, but I had had hope that this would not. How am I going to tell my best friend that I have been avoiding for the last four months that I am four months pregnant with his child?

I do not feel like arguing, but that is exactly what is going to occur when we see one another. He had blown up my phone for the first two months, then after that he left a final voicemail cussing me out for ignoring him and I have not heard from him since. Karrueche keeps me up to date on everything his life so I am still in the know. Kae knows what occurred between us, but I had her promise not to tell him anything other than I was okay. It had been a lie, but I will be. My baby is not a burden or a hassle. My, our baby is a blessing that I just needed time getting used to the idea of possessing.

Hell, I had waited over two months to confirm my pregnancy because I knew that it would make everything more real. So after a bad case of stomach cramps I called Kae to come come take me to the hospital where I informed my doctor that I was most likely with child. With a pregnancy test and ultrasound, the feeling that I had already had had been confirmed as truth. I'm nervous. Chris is going to be piss. No, livid when I tell him the news.

It has been a couple of hours now since Kae dropped me off at home with some food. I think that I am ready to get this over with and on that note I left my house heading over to his. His passcode for the gate was still the same so I still had the element of surprise. I tried my key and it also still worked allowing me to release the breath I did not know that I was holding.

"What are you doing here?"

I jumped startled letting out a little scream at the sound of his voice. "You scared me", I breathed clutching at my still violently beating heart. He tisked, "Ya still didn't answer my question", he stated. I bit my lip weighing the pros and cons of just blurting it out. Yeah, the cons won out in this situation. "Uhm, can we please sit down and talk? I have something to talk with you about", I said shyly.

He stared at me for a few seconds before motioning for me to follow him. We walked into the living room having a seat on the couch with a big space between us. I am not sure if it was intentional on both of our parts or if it was just an unconscious representation of how distant we have become with one another. Either way, it had me feeling some type of way. But I really I have no right to. I did after all cause this space between us and I am woman enough to admit that.

I sighed, "How are you doing?", I asked trying to break the ice only to receive a cold stare in return. I felt my eyes begin to water as I stared back at him. He was already mad just from being in my presence. He did not even want to be in my presence. Maybe I should have just texted him or done it over the phone. Would that of have made me a coward?

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