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I.... I know him... I know that child! I.... I.... Where am I? Who am I? I can't open my eyes, can't feel my fingers! What's happening!!?

"This small brat is useless! Her core is stagnant and unresponsive! The tortures and poisons she ate should've had made her die and rot already! Why are all our experiment on this brat still useless?!"- I can hear a voice of a man. He was very angry and anxious.

"Big Brother! Please calm down. Even if she's a waste, her family is still a small branch of Immortal Poison Masters! We can lure them out and slave them in or just kill and take all their treasures!"- Another man with a deep but ugly voice. His tone was full of greed and blind pleasure.

"You-ah! Am I a low theiving cultivator?! I'm from the third branch of the well-known clan in this land! How dare you say these measely crimes to me to do! Fool!"- I then heard a loud slap, followed by a continouos "Im sorry Big Brother!" and the wooden floorboards rattled as that man kowtowed hard.

"Nevermind! This small little girl is useless to me now! And look at her face! Cannot even be a pleasure doll! She stink and she's ugly! Throw her to the river!"

"Yes Young Master!"- Another two voices answered and then the voices became quiet. I still cannot feel, cannot manuever my body. Only my ears are open as I heard the rustle of the leaves and the noises of the insects. After half an hour, I heard the calm sound of the waters. The two voices talked this time.

"This child... It's a shame that she was just a waste from The Immortal Poison Masters' Clan. The blood wasn't thick in her veins and she's a waste."- One of them said.

"Well, the Young Master's efforts are wasted, we, just mere outer guards, don't need to meddle with it. Hurry hurry, just throw her to the waters. She won't survive anyways." The other answered.

I was unaware of what happened next, or even after that. I just felt the suffocation and the water running down to my lungs...

Am I... going to die here? But I... don't know where I am ... or who am I.... will I became a ghost with no name? Lurking in the waters? That's.... That's so sad....

I cannot remember how many hours have past, my mind vague and playing difference scenes that I felt unfamiliar of. Do not know who I am, do not know where I am.... My life seems to be ending quite foolishly...

"- Older sister!..... floating body!"

"Ah-Xian..... Be careful!"

"Under lotus flowers! .... Call Father!"

'Ah... those three small voices.... very pleasant to hear...'

I could hear more footsteps coming, and voices talking closer within my range. Asking the kids where I was found and what happened. I can hear them trying to wake my body up.

My conciousness slips away as my ears slowly stop hearing around.

Its been exactly 1 month, 3 weeks, 2 days and 15 hrs since I get here inside another clan's ground. People were sweet and kind. They treat my body with care and tried to cure the wounds literring around my body.

I still cannot manuever my body. But I could open my eyes now and see through the murky images I could see. It seems that, even the poison gets into my eyes.... sigh, what bad luck.

I met the young miss and young masters of this clan. Miss Jiang, Sir Cheng and Wei Wuxian.

That last name ringed a bell in my head but I don't know why I cant recall how I knew him.

He was a sweet child. A clever and bright one. Most of the times, when he gets scolded by The Lady of the Clan, he was hiding here while getting acquianted with me. A powerful force of love, yearning and protectiveness clinged to my heart everytime as I soothe and carress his head.

In this world, I heard he was alone. Adopted and was graced by the Master of this Clan benovelence. He was still trying to fit in.

"Jie-jie why is your face bandaged up? Why did they do this to you?"- He curiously asked me one time, I honestly do not know what kind of monster the elders saw when they saw my state, but thankfully they can heal me, That's good enough for now.

"It's because, Little Weiwei, Jiejie is very very sick, I cannot stand, cannot sit without help. Jiejie's body is numb and very hard to move. For now, Jiejie is recuperating and when I get better, Can show me around this place? I'm very eager to see it with you,"- I said enthusiastically. He nodded with a big smile on his face, his eyes shining bright as he talk about everything in this clan's grounds.

We talk for hours, until the Yong Lady Jiang came in and told Wei Wuxian to leave for us to talk privately. Sitting on the stool beside my bed, I stared up to her graceful young form. Really a budding beauty.

"This, please forgive my rudeness for not saluting to you, Yong Lady Jiang, for my body is still in an uncooperative state."- I said with a bit of awkwardness.

"No need! No need! Actually I am here.... because I want to learn more about you. Ah-Cheng said, lately Ah-Xian was here and only at dinner will he come out. Jiejie I'm not speaking ill of you, but I care for Ah-Xian so I want to do this."- She said resolutely. I smiled at her, eyes gazing at her softly.

"Then please Young Lady Jiang, when hear all about me, Keep it away from others knowing. I will absolutely let them know my identity, when I could repay their kindness with my gratitude."- I said and she nodded. With her help, I was able to sit on the bed, my back resting on the pillows.

"My name, I could vaguely remember. Where I came from was unknown too. But before I got to the waters, I think I was abducted and the torture I undergo was too inhumane to talk about. My abductors always pertain my roots from the Immortal Poison Masters' Clan. I do not know how and why I was there, but when they deemed me as useless and a waste. They dumped me to the waters and the next thing I know was that Little Wei found me under the lotus flowers."- I paused as I let her digest everything I said first.

"From then onwards, I am a nobody that was saved by the young masters of your Lotus Cove Clan. I am very grateful, who I am before or the family that I left, I have no ties with them. I want to serve my life to Little Wei if that's okay, I want to be his close servant to tend on his daily needs. I will be his pillar of support and his guidance.... But, before I achieve this....I have to get healed and cure myself. I have to be the best and start the cultivation path, I want to do this, Lady Jiang! It's not only because he's my benafactor, but because I feel attached and protective around him. I am sorry if I said impulsive and impolite words, but I keep this in my chest for too long, I don't know who to talk to,"- A lone tear slipped from my eyes without knowing, Young Lady Jiang smiled reassuring at me before she lean and wipe away my tear with her jade like hands.

"This, I can assure you, I have felt the same way to Ah-Cheng and Ah-Xian, I won't stop you from being his servant, but Father and Mother, They must approve this first before you step forward and take this path. I hope you recuperate well and gain your core before we proceed further."- She said smiling amiably. I nodded and thanked her.

That night, I had a peaceful rest. My mind at ease and relaxed. Tomorrow, I will start to try to cultivate... and hoped that when I could choose the path to walk with him, I won't just sit and stare, but guide and protect him with who I am.


FIRST PART DONE! WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? Does this new girl getting inside the Lotus Cove of Yunmeng passable or not? Is her feelings geniune or for naught? Is it love?! (Lol pedo (~ ̄▽ ̄~) hahahaha)

Anyways, Its a not always updating book( why did I even do this at the middle of reviewing for exams?!) And I hope you support it!

Well I dunno now how the plot goes after this but I'll try to take a slow pace here in this timeline.

Hmmmm.... I guess that's all.

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