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Ginny woke the next morning to Harry's warm arms wrapped around her body; her back was pressed against him. She let her free hand touch his left hand where she felt the metal ring that she'd placed on his finger the day before. She closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the moment for as long as possible, but Harry, her husband, began to stir.

"Morning." He kissed her shoulder.

"How'd you know I was awake?"

"You've been fidgeting for a while." He tightened his hold around her. She could feel every part of his body pressing against her.

"I'm just enjoying the fact that I can be here without having to feel guilty."

"And you don't have to run home." He trailed kisses up and down her neck making her squeal.

"I am home." She wriggled free and turned to face him. His eyes were bright from the sunlight flooding into the room through the massive glass window overlooking rolling hills of green. "Our home."

He smiled, fingers trailing up and down her exposed arm. "So what are we going to do on this one day we have?"

"We could stay in bed for a few more hours."

He frowned playfully. "Sounds awfully boring."


"Yeah, you know…"

She roughly pushed him onto his back and came up to straddle his hips. "Is that still boring?"

"Well…" She did not give him time to reply.

Around lunchtime the pair finally emerged from the bedroom. It was a fine day, neither warm nor cold. He was dressed in shorts and a loose t-shirt while Ginny wore a white silk night dress she'd bought especially for her wedding night. He held onto her hand while they walked down to the kitchen. She could feel the metal ring pressing against her fingers.

"I can't believe we're actually married."

He shook his head. "And living in our own home."

She let go of his hand and opened the Muggle refrigerator. There were just enough ingredients for a very late breakfast. Harry had retrieved a frying pan and lit the stove. She went to stand beside him and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

Ginny slowly wriggled free to place some bacon into the pan. It immediately began to sizzle. The mushrooms and eggs followed quickly. He tended the pan as she found some plates and toasted a few slices of bread. When everything was done they sat down by their small kitchen table.

Harry placed his hand over hers; his fingers playing with her rings. "Our first home meal."

She couldn't help but grin. "Everything feels so perfect."

"It does," he replied. "I just wish we had more time alone."

"It's just a week." She spoke more to comfort herself than him.

"One week then at least a month of nothing."

Her eyes glittered. "Sounds wonderful. As much as I love Quidditch the season is long."

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