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It was almost lunch time when Ginny arrived back from a morning spent with Harry in the Muggle world. As always it proved a good escape from the attention fame brought in Diagon Alley. Especially since they were still waiting for the newest arrival of the Witch Weekly, which would probably feature some gossip about Ginny's date at her brother's wedding.

With Ron's wedding in the past and only hers to look forward to, Ginny would need to focus on hers, more importantly the dress. As she entered the Burrow the daunting task greeted her as nothing more than neat piles of silk and lace. Everything surrounded the room in organised groups. Her mother, a woman not perturbed by lack of progress, sat before a conjured table in the living room hard at work.

"Hi, mum," Ginny greeted after a cursory glance about. The piles seemed only to grow taller with each passing second.

Her mother's hands stopped working. A frown of concentration morphed into a brief smile as she stood. "Ginny, you're early. I still thought I had an hour." The words were rushed as she began to move about in search of another misplaced item.

Ginny, hands tucked into the pockets of her jeans, tentatively edged further into the room. "I told Harry to go keep himself busy." She jabbed the point of her shoe against a small box wondering what could be hidden inside. "Anything I can help with?"

Her mother stopped and looked up while lost in thought. Eventually her mind seemed to register the question when she pointed to an empty corner. "Measurements first, dear." Barely a glance had been sent in Ginny's direction, who now found herself glued to the floor. The lack of movement made her mother pause, the hurried expression softened. "If you need a minute, we could definitely do with some tea."

"Tea?" Ginny replied mechanically; not really hearing her mother. "I'll make us some. Do you want some, mum?" Her mother's eyes shone with amusement and understanding.

"That would be lovely. I could use the extra minute."

Ginny turned slowly and began to walk towards the kitchen. She paused to face the mountain of work that lay about and at the partly cut pieces of raw silk.

"It's a start," Mrs Weasley voiced Ginny's thoughts. "I know it looks daunting, but we'll get it done."

"Rather frightening actually," Ginny whispered. "But wonderful at the same time."

Her mother dropped what she had been busy with and led a rather stiff Ginny into the kitchen. "We have lots of time to finish the dress. We'll take it one step at a time and before you know it everything will be finished."

Once in the kitchen Ginny poured water into the kettle and placed it on the stove only to sit and watch as it magically began to heat. "Have you heard from Ron?"

"No." Her mother shook her head.

"Oh, I suppose we'll hear something eventually." Ginny sighed. "But the ceremony was wonderful."

A tear accompanied by a smile formed and slid down her mother's cheek. "It was beautiful. I can hardly wait to have a decent look at the photos." She laughed, eyes sparkling. "You and Harry made quite the couple on the dance floor."

"I lost count of the times I stepped on his feet."

"Nonsense, dear. You two made it look almost as graceful as your flying."

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