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Ginny arrived with Harry at the Burrow early Wednesday morning. They would be playing the last games before the winter break in a few days. More importantly, Hermione and Ron's wedding was only two weeks away. The sun shone and despite the cold air it remained a nice winter's day. Ron and Hermione sat outside on the porch talking, hands intertwined.

The pair failed to notice Harry and Ginny's arrival. "Morning," Ginny greeted as soon as she was within earshot. The couples head shot up and Ron dropped Hermione's hand, his ears growing red.

"Hi," they greeted together. Harry shook hands with Ron and gave Hermione an awkward hug. The friendship between Harry and Ron had not been unexpected. Ginny had guessed they would get along well, but she had not expected the slowly developing friendship between Harry and Hermione.

"So what's this all about? I mean dragging a bloke out of bed so early on his day off is cruel." Ron bounced about, hands deep in his pockets, as he spoke.

"Well," Ginny began slowly as she glanced up at Harry with arms folded across her chest to ward against the winter air.

Harry coughed in an adorably shy manner. His face was still a bit pale from the game a few days ago and his back had yet to heal completely. She did, however, feel rather smug at her healing abilities. None of the cuts looked like they would be leaving any scars. He already had too many.

He did manage to speak though. "We would like to give you a wedding present, but it's not really something we can choose for you."

Hermione's face lit up. "What is it? Plates? We really need a good set? Wait no... A decent set of knives and forks, we should have something good when guests come over for dinner.

"Hermione," Ron groaned. "The flat we were looking at getting is way too small for guests. We could fit what... two people in there besides ourselves."

Her face fell. "I suppose, but we should be getting some decent things for the future."

Harry shuffled closer to Ginny and slipped an arm around her waist. She welcomed the heat.

"So?" Hermione said facing Harry and Ginny. "What do you need our help for?"

"I'll take Ron and you can take Hermione," Harry said with a bright smile to Ginny.

"Wait?" Hermione held up a hand. "Where are we going?"

"That's part of the surprise," Ginny giggled. She took hold of her friend's hand and waited for Harry. "Ready?"

Harry nodded and all four of them vanished only to reappear on a soft green lawn. Ginny let go of Hermione and walked back to Harry, she really needed the warmth of his hold.

"Where are we?" Ron asked loudly.

"Option one," Harry said as he lifted his arms. "This is a great little property. It has enough space, as you can see, for a small Quidditch pitch and the place has four rooms that could easily be expanded if needed..."

"Wait!" Ron and Hermione shouted together. "You're giving us a house?" Hermione finished.

"I've got a few that I'm not doing anything with. So yes, Ginny and I are giving you a house."

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