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Harry woke early after a late night of reminiscing with Kreature and Gwenog. The room felt empty now that he was alone. It was not surprising considering it held nothing but a bed and his wedding suit. His watch, lying beside him on the bed, told him that he still had a few more hours before his presence would be needed at the Burrow. Swinging his legs out from under the duvet he sat wondering what to do.

It took a few minutes before he moved again. He'd decided that a shower was what he needed. The hot water helped; though everything still seemed different. He wondered what it was, but the world felt as if it had changed. He grinned nervously while drying his hair as he stared into the mirror. It was then that he heard someone Apparate into the house.

"You in here, mate?" Ron's familiar voice called out from the kitchen.

Harry dropped the towel and began to dress. "Just getting ready. I'll be out there in a minute."

"Right!" Ron shouted back though the flat was small enough for someone to talk. Harry chuckled, the guy was probably even more nervous.

He took his time getting dressed in the new black suit and white shirt he'd bought a few weeks ago for this day. He took his time. His tie was still in the room so he left the top button undone. Eventually he had to leave the calm and quiet of the bathroom. He grabbed the hanger with his tie, the colour of which still confused him, and strode into the main living area.

Ron was sitting on the couch already fully dressed and ready for the day. "You look good," Harry said. "Hermione will probably appreciate the view."

Ron snorted. "Haven't seen her today. She left to go help my sister before I even woke up." He scratched his red hair. "Don't know what they need to be up so early for."

Harry shook his head absently. "They are going to some spa to relax, then they need to get their hair done, and then there is makeup and the dress."

"Blimey, I forgot about all that." Ron whispered. "So what's our plan, mate?"

Harry shrugged. "Well I've got to tie my tie."

Ron grinned. "Tricky those things. It might take a while."

The pair laughed as Harry held up a pair of shaking hands. "Yeah, a few hours at least."

Ginny sat in a Muggle hair salon. She'd come here with Hermione a few months ago for her friend's wedding, but Ginny had not had her hair done then. This was the first time a Muggle was touching her hair. Those weird metal scissor things made strange noises as the woman trimmed Ginny's hair slightly.

Hermione sat beside Ginny, a glass of champagne in her hand. Ginny's own glass lay half empty and forgotten before her on the counter. Instead of looking around, she was staring into the mirror, at herself. The hairdresser had stuck all kinds of funny things in Ginny's hair, the purpose of which she could only imagine.

"How you holding up there?" Hermione asked.

"F… fine," she replied; the frown on her forehead probably said otherwise.

Hermione chuckled. "Relax, you will look beautiful?"

"You already are." Ginny's mother had come to stand beside her daughter. She had her own glass of champagne and was taking a few sips every now and again.

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