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Ginny, dressed in a new pair of jeans and blouse she'd bought earlier the day, frowned at the clock. Her fingers tapped the side of her leg. The minute hand did not move, and still it moved too fast; they should have been here already.

"Ginny." The voice belonged to a thoroughly frustrated Ron who was sitting beside Hermione on the couch. "Would you mind telling us what this is all about? We've been sitting here for an hour."

She stopped pacing long enough to send her brother a flat look. Ron threw his arms in to the air; frustration did not begin to describe her family.

Their mother narrowed her eyes at them. Ginny did not say anything. "What?" Ron moaned. "It's not like I'm keeping everyone trapped in the house."

"I'm sure Ginny has something important planned." Mrs. Weasley let her gaze linger on Ginny, the question clear. She wanted to know what was going on.

Bill stood. Fleur reached out to hold him back, but he ignored the attempt. If possible, he looked even angrier. "It's obvious." The harshness in his voice made every head turn. "She's invited this boyfriend over." Every word was filled with scorn.

The room cooled instantly as each of her other five over protective brothers contemplated the implication of Bill's words. Almost as suddenly the heat began to rise. Their faces began to flush and each pair of eyes sparked with unusual intensity. Charlie, jaw set, punched his left palm softly. Ron recited some spell he'd learned at the Auror Academy. Fred and George schemed, while Percy looked calculating.

"Boys!" Her mother warned them dangerously. The tone left no room for argument. "You've done enough of that to last a lifetime." They looked only slightly abashed. "You're fortunate the Ministry allowed you back at the Acadamy." Ron wilted. Hermione did not offer him any support; she merely agreed vigorously with Ron's mother.

Small beads of sweat began to form on Ginny's forehead. She said nothing. Anything she said now would only inflame the fires burning within. Their defiance was still written clearly on each of their faces.

"She's been seeing this guy for months!" Their mother's glare had not affected Bill as much as the others. Being the oldest meant he'd forgotten their mother's wrath. Ginny straightened her back, lifted her chin, and met her brother's glare. For a brief moment it appeared as if Bill wanted to say something more.

Charlie, who was to her left, rose to his feet. Bill had set them off again. "It's about time we teach this…" Charlie's mouth worked to find the right word. "Guy." It was said with loathing.

Ron nodded in agreement. "We can't just have some tosser come and steal Ginny from us."

The wand, neatly tucked away in its holster, cried out to be used. Ginny had to unclench a fist. "What if it is him?" The words came out much more calmly than she'd expected. "I can see whoever I like."

Their eyes lit with sudden anger. Fred and George began to whisper. Their hands moved about in quick short motions as they described some scenario to each other. The brief discussion ended with twin nods.

Her father cleared his throat loudly. "I will have none of this foolishness, boys." The stern words caused her brothers to lose a bit of their bravado. "Whoever your sister invited is a guest in this house. And…" He let his last word hang in the air expectantly.

"We treat all guests with respect." Her brothers repeated mechanically. Though restrained, she had no illusions about what they were thinking. If her boyfriend entered this house he'd be in for a rude awakening. Strangely, she could not help but grin.

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