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Harry, supported by Ginny, limped towards the stadium. The going proved slow. Their clothes had been cleaned a bit and Ginny's face was dirt free. It felt weird, but strangely enough they smiled. Blinding bulbs flashed brightly as magical cameras tried to capture the cover photo for the Witch Weekly or the Prophet's headline. He wanted to climb into a warm bath and then sleep the night away. It was not to be and he knew it.

"Potter!" Bobby called out. Harry motioned for Ginny to slow down. "Now that I have you cornered, I don't know what to say." Harry waited patiently as the man tried to determine the most importent question. "When did you start dating Miss Weasley?"

He almost laughed. Of all things that happened this was his question. Ginny answered while Harry tried to get over his amusement. "We met over the summer break and started dating shortly before the start of the season."

Bobby's eyebrows rose. "I am sure our listeners were eager to hear that. It does explain those heroics at the start of the season, Potter."

Harry laughed shyly, rubbing his neck, which had grown as red as Ginny's hair. "I guess it had something to do with my stunt."

Bobby grinned broadly. "But it does beg the question was there any connection between that game and what happened today?"

"Yes, Lucius Malfoy was attempting to disrupt Quidditch games. I believe his intentions were for the wards to be upgraded."

"Why would he want to do that?"

Harry shrugged, a jolt of pain coursed up from his leg. It took a moment for the sensation to go away. "Excuse me," Harry coughed. "The best guess is that he intended for me to be trapped inside like you witnessed today."

"Indeed, but that was some remarkable wand work, Potter. That leads me to the last question. Did you really…" he swallowed. "Kill You-Know-Who."

"Voldemort you mean." Bobby flinched, while Witches and Wizards gasped all around Harry. He grew slightly annoyed. "It's only a name and not even his real one. But yes, I did end his life, but it could only have been done with the support of dozens of witches and wizards who sacrificed much. Many of them gave their lives to give us the freedom we have today." Harry breathed in deeply. "What you saw today was the desperate attempts of a desperate man. With his downfall we have hopefully seen the last of Voldemort's Death Eaters."

"A relief, Potter. I would just like to say, from people all over the country, thank you."

Ginny interjected. "Thank you, Bobby. But Harry really needs some medical attention."

"Of course." The little commentator jumped out of their way. Ginny began to walk again. Thankfully the crowd parted before them. He could feel the strain he was putting on her body. "Almost there."

She set her jaw, but the Apparation point arrived allowing them to leave the noise and chaos for the tranquillity of his flat.

A week after the games Harry, dressed in a new pair of Muggle jeans and a black collared shirt, arrived at the Burrow. The odd house materialised as his vision steadied; for the first time in months he felt nervous seeing the house. His hand ran through the length of his unruly hair. He straightened his shirt slightly. Finally, feeling ready he walked as calmly and steadily as possible towards the house.

He knocked on the door then listened for the usual signs of Weasley life. Some of the tension ebbed away. Ginny could be heard shouting something about not being ready. Her mother's voice rose even louder, but he could barely make out the words. It sounded something like she was pretty enough. He smiled.

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