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The radio crackled. "The game ends!" the excited voice of Bobby shouted. "Potter sweeps down to take a comfortable catch. The poor Tutshill Tornadoes' Seeker was left scratching the back of his neck while Potter expertly took the most effortless of catches."

"The man really has panache, Bobby. I've never seen a Seeker take a game so easily."

"Reminds me of Weasley and her game a few nights ago. The girl's got the same class even if a bit less refined."

"Bobby! Now you're just getting me excited. If going on current form it really does seem likely that we might be seeing a Harpies Cannons final."

"Indeed, both teams look in great shape, but don't forget about the Arrows and Kestrels, who might not be playing the best Quidditch, but they're winning games." Bobby grew silent. "I'm sorry listeners, but it seems that our time is running out. Peter, would you like to give a quick summary of the last few games."

"The Kenmare Kestrels were struggling again in the second round. If it wasn't for another good steal by their Seeker they would've lost badly to Puddlemere United. The game ended on 160-150. In a somewhat similar game, the Wimbourne Wasps' only points of the game came from the hands of their Seeker. Pride of Portree was leading by a hundred when the game ended after a close duel between the two Seekers. Portree would be disappointed to walk away with nothing. The final score was 150-100. And of course the last game tonight saw the Cannons beat the Tutshill Tornadoes 160-250. Not the Cannons cleanest game, but they did the job and take home maximum points.

"The Group B log is currently led by the Kestrels on six points. The Cannons trail by one due to not catching the Snitch in the opening game. Third is currently occupied by the Wasps on four. United currently lie fourth on three. Last place, both on zero, is jointly shared by Portree and the Tornadoes."

"Thank you, Peter. Some good games coming in November. While Group A seems to be dominated by the Arrows and Harpies, Group B is in for a much closer fight for the top two places.

The evening after the Cannons game saw Harry and Ginny scurrying around his flat making sure everything was in place for dinner.

"What time are they coming?" Harry called out from where he stood aligning cushions on the couch.

"Six, Harry." A frustrated voice called back. "You invited them."

He shook his head then nudged the cushion again. It finally seemed to be in right place. Ginny emerged from the room, a towel wrapped around her body. "Got everything in place?"

Harry nodded. "The table is set. The house is clean and…" He pointed proudly at the couch. "The cushions are in order."

She seemed satisfied and was about to go get dressed. "Ginny," Harry said suddenly, making her stop. "I was wondering about a gift for Ron and Hermione."

She stared at him and waited patiently for him to continue. His weight shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. Ginny remained calm, letting him grind through his own problems.

"I want to give them a house." He blurted the words out so quickly she blinked.

"Say that again. You spoke even faster than Hermione."

He tried to relax and forced the words out slowly. "I want us to give them a house."

"A house?" she questioned to make sure. "As in a building with a lawn and rooms… really?"

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