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Harry walked with a slight limp through the long corridors of the Ministry. The scars and dark purple bruises left behind by Malfoy were hidden behind his usual disguise as the odd forty year old blonde recluse and heir to the Black fortune.

Upon reaching the Minister's office the secretary stood. "Morning, Mr Black. I hope you've had a pleasant time away?" The question asked in her usual business-like tone.

"It was," Harry replied was a regretful sigh. "But it seems the Ministry can't do without me for more than a few days."

The older woman gave a slight nod. "Indeed, the Minister does seem to rely on your advice."

Harry glanced at the door. "Has Dumbledore arrived?"

"Yes," she said hastily. "And Patrick."

Harry whistled as if impressed. "The Minister of Sport. My, this seems to be even more serious than I first thought."

"Very." The woman nodded. "I haven't seen the Minster so upset in years." She lowered her voice. "Not since You-Know-Who."

He smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure we'll have him back to his old self in no time, Bridgett."

Her shoulders sagged slightly in relief. "It's good to have you here again."

Harry nodded and then slipped past her and through the door to the office. He closed it behind him. At the far end of the room Shacklebolt sat behind the desk. The Minister of Sport sat to the right and Dumbledore to the left, the only empty chair remaining was the one between the pair. Harry groaned internally.

"Good morning," he managed to greet when it looked like none of the others were about to say anything.

"Yes, good morning." Shacklebolt absently gestured Harry to the vacant seat. Dumbledore bowed his head slightly in greeting, but he too seemed deep in thought. Patrick alone seemed awake and almost eager to get the meeting underway.

"Bad day?" Harry ignored the Minister of Sport.

Patrick coughed, forcing Harry to look at the short bald man who had the strong arms of a Beater. "You could say that, Harry. Bloody Malfoy is causing rather a ruckus in the Ministry." His gruff and excited voice grated at Harry's nerves.

Harry frowned. "Well I daresay that's what we're here to discuss."

"Indeed," Shacklebolt interjected. "The news of your capture and release has caused a few sleepless nights, Harry."

"I'm sorry, Kingsley. I do hope the news has not spread beyond the three of you." Harry studied Kingsley. "I had actually hoped that Patrick would not be informed."

The Minister of Sport laughed. "Can't keep me out of the loop, boy!" He punched Harry's shoulder playfully. Then his voice grew serious. "Besides you plan on endangering some of the other players in my league."

Shacklebolt and Dumbledore looked displeased, but Patrick had a right to be here. The Minister took a deep breath, revealing his tired state. "No need to apologise, Harry. Sleepless nights comes with the territory. It's a substitute for leave, or so they say."

Harry grinned and Dumbledore chuckled even as he asked. "So what is it you wish to discuss, Harry?"

The question managed to sober Patrick. "We need to discuss security and Auror protection at all the remaining Quidditch games. I told you that Malfoy is going to come after me at a game and we've already come to the conclusion that I need to keep playing. Precautions therefore need to be made to ensure Malfoy does not get onto the pitch and if he does that the other players can escape unharmed."

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