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Tired from a hard days practise and weary of the rising threat to his world, Harry trudged his way towards a meeting which might decide his future. The location proved to be a rundown little cottage on the outskirts of a small English village that contained little more than a couple of houses and an all important pub.

He pushed open the creaky old door to find the inside rather crowded. Some people sat around a large table, though most stood talking in hushed voices. Those whispers stopped the moment Harry entered.

Few people were known to Harry, but they had all fought in the war. Kingsley Shacklebolt the Minister, Patrick Farenger the Minister of Sport and Albus Dumbledore were the most prominent of those seated. Beside them sat Tonks, who'd become a senior Auror, as well as Arthur, Bill, Charlie and Ron. Molly was at home helping Ginny despite the protests from both. Though the wavered since the dress was apparently behind schedule.

"Evening," Harry managed to say. The words filled the silence and the tension broke just enough to get people talking again. Harry quickly made his way to an empty seat beside Dumbledore.

It felt uncomfortable sitting amongst so many men and women who had sacrificed so much to help win the war and yet knowing almost nothing about any of them. They were all people with stories and families. For now he could only wish that he would learn more someday in the future.

Dumbledore stood and the room grew still once again. "Thank you for attending this meeting. I am sure most of you will be wondering why you have been asked to come here tonight." Heads nodded all around. "The reason is something most of you are familiar with; Lucius Malfoy." The faces of all present grew grim. Nothing good ever happened when that name was mentioned. "Again you might also be wondering, especially the Aurors amongst you, why this isn't being dealt with by the Ministry."

"Because they botched it up last time!" A smallish man called from the back.

Dumbledore smiled indulgently. "Perhaps, but rather it is because we suspect there to be a mole within the Ministry. For that reason Kingsley and I decided it best we do this through the Order."

A man pointed at Patrick. "Then what's he doing here?"

"Our current line of thought involves him as he is the only man with the Authority to push the legislation."

The group did not look any more pleased, but they let the meeting continue. Harry understood; the Order had grown into a tight knit group in which they implicitly trusted those within. Outsiders were a risk.

Dumbledore began to outline the plan.

"Are you sure he will be trying something at the final?" Shacklebolt spoke in his booming voice. "I still think it too public for Malfoy!"

Harry deciding it was perhaps time to speak opened his mouth. "I think that is precisely why he intends to do it at the final. He has nothing more, people know what he is. There is one thing on his mind, my downfall to be witnessed, his triumph recorded for all time."

"Then don't fly." This time it was Tonks, hair bright red with anger, who spoke. "Keep yourself hidden, Harry! We'll take care of this with time."

"No." Harry said shaking his head vigorously; though he managed a smile in her direction. "I appreciate your consideration. This is our best hope, however. We know he is coming for me. We know when. We have the upper hand."

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