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Harry stood before Ginny with arms wrapped around her shoulders in an attempt to sooth her tension. "And try to have some fun while you're up there."

"I'm too nervous to think of fun."

He brought her in close and she let herself melt into the kiss. Every distraction was welcome at this point. The world was just that little bit better after he pulled away. "See, you're not too anxious."

"Am too!" She stamped her foot in mock indignation. "Don't try distracting me from my worries, Potter!"

He laughed as his arms dropped to her waist. "I'll be there to watch every minute."

"You're going!" she said in excitement.

"How can I miss my girlfriend's first ever game?" Ginny shrugged. "Exactly." He pointed out.

"I must be going," she said when it came time to leave. "We're supposed to be there at least two hours before the game starts."

He nodded knowingly, having been there himself. After one last kiss she removed her wand and Apparated into the Harpies team Apparition point. It was within the main stadium and free of obsessed fans. The building, however, reverberated from the sound of hundreds of witches and wizards trying to get into the stadium. Tension quickly became replaced by dread.

"How you feeling?" Katie's bubbly voice chimed a second after the pop of her arrival. Ginny's first words came out in an incoherent jumble. "Know the feeling." The Chaser smiled. "Don't worry we've all been there. You'll do great."

"I've been told as much," Ginny finally managed to say clearly enough to be understood. "Still doesn't make it any easier to believe."

Another hand clapped her on the back. "First game jitters?" Gwenog asked. Ginny tried to laugh, it came out all wrong. "Just go up there and do what you're best at. When the whistle blows and the Snitch disappears nothing else matters."

"I hope you're right."

Ginny found her corner in the changing room. For a brief moment the world disappeared. Her first game jersey hung neatly. Unlike their practice outfits this one was the official dark green that was famous the magical world over. The golden talon, only found on actual Harpies jerseys, decorated the front. The date and the name of the opposition would be found stitched onto the left sleeve. She touched it in awe.

"The first one is always something special," Gwenog spoke from behind.

"It is something," Ginny whispered almost in disbelief.

"Well get dressed. I'm sure you've got some Seeker thing to go do." Ginny spun around. Gwenog winked before striding away to go talk to the other girls.

A few minutes later Ginny was flying lazy circles around the pitch. People, mostly dressed in Harpies green, stared up at her. She let her mind take it all in. "The more familiar it becomes now the less frightening it will be later." Cameras flashed and reporters were busy scribbling notes. Around the field commentators spoke into their wands. Their voices would be broadcast across the country and the world.

This was the last game of the round. The Chudley Cannons had won the opening game against Kenmore Kestrels a few days earlier. It had not been a convincing win, but a win nevertheless. The Cannon's new Seeker was no slouch, though his youth had cost him. The thought forced Ginny to focus, she hoped that she would overcome her inexperience.

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