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Harry rolled onto his side, arm landing on an empty bed. "Ginny," he called out sleepily.

"Right here, Harry," she replied from beside the bed. "I couldn't sleep."

He opened his eyes. Ginny stood wearing her official pale green Harpies blouse; a skirt was still being held in her hands. His gaze travelled along the feminine curves of her body and down towards the long slender legs he loved. His eyes never reached her thigh. "What's that?" he croaked.

She blushed. "Just a present from a friend." She tried to say it calmly, but the strain was evident. She quickly regained her composure and dropped the skirt. Slowly she spun around then strode towards him. The movement allowed him to see every part of her. "Do you like what you see?"

"Um…" he blinked. "Well…" he stuttered.

She gave a mischievous smile. "I'll take that gobsmacked look and hungry eyes as a yes."

"I…" he coughed. "I never thought you'd wear…"

Ginny climbed onto the bed to straddle him. Her face came down towards his. Their lips met tenderly. The kiss had barely begun before she jumped off the bed to pull on the skirt. "I must be off. Gwenog wants us to be early."

Harry groaned as Ginny hurried out of the room. "Reminder to oneself." He ran a hand through his hair. "Don't play against your wife." His head shook vigorously, but the image of Ginny in something so sexy would not fade. He grinned, he'd just have to repay the favour after the game.

He let his feet drop to the floor, but did not stand. Harry remained in that position for a few minutes before he began laughing. For the first time in five seasons his match day routine had changed.

The wireless crackled a sign that the broadcast was about to begin. "Good afternoon, listeners. As you might know, today is the day."

"The day we have been waiting for since the day last year."

"What day is the day you are wondering about on this day?"

"It is of course the Quidditch League Final!"

"I can't believe it is here again, Bobby. Makes my fingers tingle like the day I got my wand all those years ago."

"Even more so, Peter. I'm telling you, listeners, if you haven't got a ticket then Apparate to the Harpies Stadium immediately. The season ticket holders are already inside and the lines outside are growing."

"Why? I hear some of you asking."

"Merlin! If you are asking that question then what are you doing listening to this broadcast. This final has two of the most exciting teams ever. The ruthless Victoria Hughes captains a talented Harpies team that manages to reach a final again after four years. She starts alongside fellow Chaser Katie Bell, who is a real fighter with a few seasons under her belt. One of the trio of Chasers is Angelina Johnson- a wily flier who always catches you by surprise. Their Beaters, Catherine Spinnet and Samantha Evans, might not be the biggest in the league, but their aim is true and their teamwork is matched only by the experience of the Cannons' Beaters. Michelle Urquhart, the Keeper, has had an excellent season, which is something we've come to expect from the woman. The team is rounded off by Ginny Weasley, a young Seeker with a bright future."

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