Chapter 15

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I watched Young Midoriya smile slowly with his hand above the dull gold arm band, I saw that his finger was slowly making it's way towards the glittering eighth. I looked towards the principal to see him nodding to say that he's noticed it too. The boy wasn't doing that consciously, was he?

The happy smile then slowly dissolved and his eyes drooped in melancholy. He still smiled but I felt so sad that I thought my own smile was starting to droop.

A silvery mist started to swirl around Young Midoriya and the smell of sea spray filled the room. I watched as the veil of mist crowned Midoriya's hair leaving glistening droplets on him and in the air hanging like crystals. The sun poured through the window reflecting rainbows through the crystals and the sound of waves sweeping against a sandy shore echoed in our ears. The armband started to glow in a soft blue light and the light hugged Midoriya before gathering at his lips.

"Attract... I wish you were here..."

The blue light formed bubbles as those words left his mouth and the crystals in the air all joined the light together in front of Midoriya before the rainbows shone so bright I had to close my eyes.

When I opened them again, a Selkie was hugging Midoriya and weeping tears of happiness.

I stared shocked at the two in front of me as I have never seen anything like this. Summoning a familiar? That shouldn't be possible.
Principal Nezu had an amused look on his face as if he was only half expecting his plan to go so well first try. Young Bakugou was smirking, I guess nothing will surprise him anymore at this rate. He was born and brought up with him after all. And lastly Young Midoriya, he was shocked as I was as he stared into the eyes of the Selkie before returning the hug and slowly tearing up.

Large pools of clear tears glistened on his eyelashes and threatened to spill. His cheeks were flushed and his nose was tinted pink. He blinked a couple times and smiled a smile that made time stand still and warmed the depths of my soul.

After what seemed to be an eternity of comforting silence, Young Midoriya looked over at Young Bakugou who smiled back and brought his familiar forward. I watched as Young Midoriya then look into the dragon's eyes and then silence continued. Although it was silent, it felt like hundreds of words were flying through the air and I realized what was going on, Young Midoriya was using his silent voice on both familars and engaging conversation. He could link them together? He then gave both familiars a smile before the two made their was to the side of the room and seemed so silently... chat? And Young Midoriya made his was to Young Bakugou before saying, "they're catching up :)"

Principal Nezu took in this information like a dry sponge to water and then gave a small nod. He then said that the test was a success and the two should go and enjoy their lunch with their friends.
The duo left with the familiar still... Chatting? behind them and I faced towards the Principal with a questioning look.

"My guess is that the Symbol of Evil doesn't know this but is aware that the boy is capable of something this magnitude. At this rate, the boy won't be able to find who he wants to be and All for One will destroy society. I organized a rescue training with Thirteen tomorrow for his class during your lesson so I want you and Aizawa to help him meet as many familiars at that time as well as let him experience what it's like to be a rescuer. I'll have the tent ready by morning so make sure you come by and pick it up. His ability shouldn't be told to the people as he meets them however I have a feeling that at least his class should know since he has a Selkie following him around now. Oh no! Return to Midoriya immediately! The Selkie! It followed them to the lunch room!"

My eyes widened at the realization and I rushed towards the door and turned right, only to realize that I wasn't going in the right direction and turned around before sprinting down the hall with my familiar helping me. I got to the lunch hall and say a sight thatade me quite confused. No one was asking about the Selkie following Midoriya. Did they all forget?
I approached him and then felt pressure on my arm, I turned to see Young Bakugou pulling me to a quiet place.

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