Chapter 19.2 Keep in touch

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Matteo put his baggage down and looked around his place. 

Surveying the bright prints, the warm and vibrant walls, and some tall, fleshy plant that made the room seem somehow alive. 

He frowned. He didn't remember her mentioning a fish tank. 

He walked over to the window and stared out at where the sunlight was dancing over the water. 

His business in New York had been necessary, and urgent. He worked non-stop every single day. He came home exhausted during the night.

He had been haunted by Sarah, picturing her dark eyes last thing at night. Every morning he had woken aching to have her in his arms. He was pleased to be home. 

"Where is she?" he demanded.

Ivan picked him up from the airport . He handed him a coffee. "Who?" he questioned innocently.

"Who? Sarah, of course," Matteo growled.

"The job's finished, Boss. She's gone."

"Gone?" he echoed blankly. "What did she say?"

"Not a lot. She has billed you for the work owing. You'll find it on your desk."

Matteo walked into his home office. He found an envelope sitting on his desk and slit it open.

Inside was a bill. Just that, nothing more. 

No little note saying, Hope you like it. No kisses. Nothing.

What did you expect?

He picked up his phone and rang her, and it rang for such a long time that he was waiting for it to go through to the voice mail. 

He rang again for the fifth time and she answered at last.



Her heart pounded. 

Keep calm, she told herself. "Matteo?"

"Yes." He smiled. "Missed me?"

She suppressed the desire to say why did you leave me for weeks without calling, not even once. 

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