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The man makes work as he grabs the pen with a smirk on his lips, he dips his hand lower to meet the paper and prints his signature on the piece. Swiftly, he finishes and returns the utensil back to it's previous owner, meeting her fierce gaze with his own. "Welcome to Black Lupin, NCT", Y/N offers her hand, giving him a small smile then acknowledging the rest of the members in the room. "It is our pleasure to become part of this business", Taeyong says, his smirk now replaced with a warm grin.

"Family", she corrects him, her smile growing with the others. The oldest members of the group chuckle at the younger ones rowdiness as they erupt into cheers, jumping around like excited monkeys. 

"Let's all get some drinks!", Ten suggests as he slings an arm around her shoulder while they make their way towards the door. "Juice for you, children", Johnny glares at the Dreamies sternly when their excitement begins to increase at the invitation. "Alright, but only one", she agrees with a laugh as she is lead outside. "Pfft, yeah, sure thing princess." Jaehyun snorts as he holds the door and the last thing heard is the chatter between friends.

One Month Later~

Black Lupin since has grown and improved. The reign of Blackpink has come to an end and with the help of Y/N, GOT7, Astro, and BTS, everything has gone back to normal again. Everyone has learned from their mistakes and flourished from those errors. The whereabouts of Starship and Kim Shi-dae have been left uncertain, after Y/N was shot, they disappeared of the grid and as still trying to be located. However, a permanent leader must now be appointed.

"Nyla! What in the world are you doing here?!", you exclaim in surprise as you are suddenly engulfed in your best friend's arms. You have known Nyla forever and, like you, she was a gang-banger. She was always a strong and charismatic woman in your eyes, an unbelievable fighter with a heavy fist and a passionate ally who took care of the ones closest to her with all her might.

The darker-skinned woman laughed, her braids swaying behind her as the two walked towards the elevator of Black Lupin's Headquarters, "I came to see you, duh". The doors slid open and they both walked inside, Y/N pressed the top floor as she smiled at her friend's comment.

Thanks to the boys that she hangs out with so often now, Y/N smiles so much more and has an overall softened personality now. She looks at her friend with admiration, she has matured and looks even more grown up than she did last time she saw her.

Nyla sigh contently, "Well anyway, how are you doing? With everything I mean?", she turns to observe your expression which wavers slightly at the question. "Fine, I guess", you reply. Ding! The doors open and you walk to your office. The view from the large windows overlooks the entire city for miles upon end, you turn away from the windows to sit in your chair and face Nyla.

"What about you though, how are things going with you?", you ask to change the subject but woman in front of you gives you a disapproving frown, putting one hand on her hip and looks you straight in the eyes, "Yeah, that's not going to work. Y/N, what is really bothering you?"

"Damn, you can see right through me. Guess my walls really have fallen", you joke humorlessly. "Well, I guess all my responsibilities to take care of this place have finally caught up with me now that all the drama with Starship and I has died down. I just don't think I will be able to do this, Ny", she finally confesses. Nyla walks over to stand beside Y/N and places a hand on her shoulder, "Maybe not", she admits truthfully, "But don't think that it is your duty to take this role since your parents and brother are gone". 

The mention of her family still pains her heart and she hangs her head low, " I know, I know". "Your parents told me the reason they out up Jinjin to lead in their place wasn't because you weren't suited for the job but that they didn't want the burden to weigh on your shoulders just like what is happening right now". "What am I supposed to do then? Black Lupin needs a strong leader to guide them on the right path--", Y/N paused.

Nyla's brows furrow in confusion and she grabs the chair to spin and face her, "Y/N, what is it". The said person seemed to have been in her own thoughts until her gaze focused back on her best friend. "It's you", she whispers. "Me? What?", now Nyla is even more confused.

"Even since we were kids, you would pay more attention than I ever did when Jinjin and I were taught about Black Lupin. You know about it as much as they did, maybe even more. Nyla, you are the one who is in charge of mom and dad's company.", you said. It all made sense now, her skills and leadership would fit perfectly for this position. She knew how to assign roles and carry out effective strategies to succeed.

Now you were the one standing, you grabbed Nyla's shoulders as she stared at you in shock. "B-but--", "But nothing. I never was meant to do this, I can only handle so much. But you Nyla, you were always a people person, you know how to read someone's mind without telepathy, you know the manipulative tactics of business, this was meant for you. It's already clear enough that I am not fit for this job. You are!", you finished, taking a breath after speaking so fast.

"Nyla will you lead Black Lupin?", you asked in a serious tone. Nyla was now conflicted but the excuses were not enough to change her decision now. She met your eyes determinedly. "Yes, I will. For you and for your family". That is what she did

I'm going to be honest. I feel like this story was kind of a flop, I had so many times during the writing process where I could of dedicated my time to tweaking some parts here and there or just write something to keep a consistent flow of chapters but I didn't take this story very seriously and I slacked off alot. I'm hoping in the future I will make more of an effort to contribute my time into making a decent story that people will enjoy and I hope to also feel better about my own story. Thank you for those who have decided to read this and even though this is my first story, I hope I can improve my writing in the future. Until next time, readers!

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