Chapter 31

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She looked around at everyone's eager faces, who were unknowingly leaning in to hear just who this mystery dancer could be, ".....Kim Yugyeom, congratulations!". You accidentally let out a high pitched squeal but didn't care at the moment all that mattered was the person you just jumped on from behind with a, "Gyeomie! Oh my gosh, I am so proud of you!". He laughed and held onto your legs to keep you from falling back down, he was a very tall person compared to your smaller frame.


Many other people surrounded Yugyeom to praise him, you frowned at Eunji who, you realized is just trying to throw herself at any guy she finds hot, bounced over to him in an annoyingly excited manner, "Yugyeom-oppa! I knew Ms. Kim would see your amazing dance skills! I practically told her myself how great you are!", she giggled. Her little group of minions scooted up behind her, nodding their heads in agreement, mirroring her attempted bubbly attitude.

You looked over at Yugyeom to see how the maknae would react, watching from afar to give him the chance to work it out on his own. You saw him lower his head slightly and let out a sigh before looking back at the girl, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She, in turn, smiled widely, thinking it was about to get better from there. Boy, was she mistaken. "First of all, I am NOT your oppa", her smile faltered. "Second of all, you are too self-centered", she frowned.

He leaned in closer to her but was still within earshot of you, "And third, I have no idea who you are but frankly I don't want to so get the hell away from me before something not-so-amazing happens to you", she seemed to get the message and scurried away from him, her followers close behind her.

You nodded approvingly, uncrossing your arms and satisfied with the fly that was finally shooed away. Turning back to your group members, you all engaged into deep conversation to discuss the upcoming choreography you will carry out for the Performing Arts stage. 

Time Skip to Performing Day(provided by Suga's 3 Dollar Chain. Buy yours today!)

You adjusted your outfit as the van the 4 of you got to take slowed to a stop in front of the huge building. 

You all moved to look out the slightly tinted windows of the vehicle to see a few other cars pull up to the place, groups of people coming out which you assumed were the other college representatives

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You all moved to look out the slightly tinted windows of the vehicle to see a few other cars pull up to the place, groups of people coming out which you assumed were the other college representatives. Another can pulled up beside yours and you saw the SF9 boys climb out.

You heard Yugyeom take a deep breath behind you before you slid open the door and got out as well, the members of your group following suit and you all went inside.  

You memorized the order of performances and were currently backstage stretching your limbs with Hoseok and Jimin close by you watching the group who was dancing on the stage. Yugyeom was on the other side with the second group of your college's representatives but you made sure to give a few words to motivate him further before he was left by himself.

There were quite a lot of members but the two boys were amazed at how in sync they all were together despite the large number of people taking up space and were from Pledis University. You heard the announcers mention that and knew there was one more group after and then you guys were up next.

You pulled your friends back to let them know what was coming which made them start to panic in their minds. You yourself were feeling nervous, doubts were beginning to cloud your thoughts but you set that aside and started to tell the boys something to help settle their nerves but something caught your eye as the announcers introduced the next group from Fantagio University and you moved to get a closer look.

Your heart began to pick up its already fast pace and you felt the color drain from you as you saw the six unforgettable faces who have brought seemingly permanent smile on your face before your life plummeted into a dark abyss of now solemn memories.

For a moment, you didn't care where you were and tears were beginning to brim your eyes as you watched them shine ever so brightly through their choreography and you wanted to run into their arms and take in their beaming happiness that always stood them out from the rest.

You were brought out of your own world as you felt a tap on your shoulder and saw Hoseok ask you, "Hey, are you okay Y/N-ah?". You gulped and nodded to him as you quickly regained your composure, taking one last glance at the boys from the other college, a voice on the mic finishing their performance by saying their group name, "And this was Astro of Fantagio University, thank you", they bowed then made their way off the stage as the crowd erupted into cheers and claps.

You turned back to your own members and made them gather into a little circle. "I want you guys to listen closely. Don't pay attention to anything else going on around you, okay? Remember to just feel the music and let your body do the work, we have practiced plenty for this and had fun while doing it, didn't we?", you met their eyes and they both nodded at you, their worries starting to disappear at the determination in your voice.

"We can do this, as a team", you put your hands in and they joined all yelling out, "Hwaiting!", before hearing your name being called.

You stood just at the point where the curtains revealed you all to the audience who were waiting for you. You reached out both your arms to give your friends a reassuring hand squeeze, seeing them flash their own signature smiles until you stepped out into the spotlight.


You almost forgot about the incident that happened before you danced as you went back to being behind the stage, excitement lighting up your eyes as you looked at Jimin and Hoseok who had the same expressions while they panted slighty from the sharp movements of the dance you all just finished doing and you screamed internally as Yugyeom went after your group and did his solo. (Just imagine him doing the dance he did on Hit The Stage, which I have to say was AWESOME!, y'all should watch it if you haven't already). You see Astro pass by and you tell Jimin and Hoseok you need to use the restroom real quick and go the direction you saw them disappear to. You needed to talk to them, you had to talk to them. 


I just wanted to say thank y'all for the 1K views or reads, whatever you call it. I really appreciate those who decided they liked my story, y'all are the real ones, shout out to you, you know who you are. 

Song Name: I Need Somebody

Artist: Day6

  "Life goes on....whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown. Or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could've been."  

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