Chapter 20

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It was already the last day in house-arrest and you walk downstairs to the patio, you couldn't really sleep and weren't very tired at the moment so you went into the backyard and pulled out a chair to sit down in.

You leaned your head back, letting out a soft exhale through your nose, to rest your gaze on the stars twinkling above you along the pitch black night sky.

Your eyes went from light to light as you identified each constellation you could remember, when you were little you were fascinated with astronomy and your parents even bought you a telescope to look at the planets in the solar system and a delicate smile painted your face when you recalled that happy memory and you continued to remain in that position for a while until you heard the scrape of another chair being moved to stop beside you.

Turning to look at the older man who was looking back at you, "Min Yoongi, what brings you here? I didn't see you all through the first half of the day", you chuckle.

He rubs an eye and you assume that he was sleeping, "Took a nap and woke up just a few minutes ago. I guess my body was telling me that I had spent too long in dreamland and needed to get up and do something", he made a tired gummy smile at you.

"Ah, I see...", you say and then turn to study the lights that were coming from the city downtown and cars passing in and out, that were in contrast to what was above, one illumination being artificial and the other being natural.

"Well since my body refuses to go back to bed, I am stuck feeling awake for a while. I am going on a walk, feel free to join me if you want" he said nonchalantly, but inside he was hoping you would decide to and you did.

Before going out the front door, you put on some decent clothing, you weren't going on a night stroll in bright pink pajamas, courtesy of Jin the pink princess.

You enjoyed the cool breeze that kissed your skin where the parts of your clothing did not cover as you walked beside the fearless gang member of BTS know by his enemies as Suga.

The two of you veered into a bubble tea shop, you ordering the strawberry flavor and Yoongi deciding to try something new and getting avocado. By the time you left the shop it was too late to go back when Yoongi took one sip that sent him into a choking fit as the unusual flavor that filled his mouth caused his body to immediately reject it.

You patted his back until he was done and when he was he sent a repulsive look at the drink in his hand and chucked it into a nearby trashcan. You smiled, his heart swelling when he saw the single dimple in your cheek, and offered him some of yours and you ended up sharing.

You came upon a park that resided beside a river that separated rural from urban, the buildings of downtown seen on the other side of the water line.

After sitting in a comfortable silence while finishing the last drops of the bubble tea, you turned to look Yoongi in the eye. Deciding to get straight to the point and bring up what has been bothering you this whole time you asked him, "Yoongi, why is Jungkook afraid of thunderstorms?".

This question causes his face to harden and he waits to answer you. "Well, none of us came from particularly wonderful backgrounds. Jungkook didn't have a good life to begin with, poor kid", he muttered before going on, "His parents weren't fond of him and one night they finally decided they had enough of him and kicked him out. He was only 6 years old at the time, can you believe that?", he chuckled darkly.

"That night was stormy and something about the thunder unsettled him. It reminded him of his father whenever he decided to let his anger and frustration out on him with his booming voice and harshly abused him with his heavy fists. We found him huddled behind a dumpster, the lid his only source of protection from the rain, covered in bruises. We couldn't just leave him like that so we took him in and he became the strength of Bangtan, all the hard work performed by his own sheer will of never going back to that terrified little boy he used to be. Thunderstorms will forever be his trauma but he knows how to get over it and we are all proud of him for being able to do that", he concluded, his voice filled with gratification at the ardent maknae.

You smiled at the glimmer that shone in his eyes when he spoke of the muscle bunny, Jungkook, and a few heartbeats passed before you said, "Seems the youngest has grown up over the years", he nodded to that in agreement.

"I have one more question for you, Suga", he looked at you at the mention of his codename, "Why did you decide to let me stay with you? I could of been anyone, someone probably sent as a spy to destroy you or steal secret files from BTS", he replied without a moment's hesitation, "Because you looked like you needed someone".

And that was all that was said that night, you both returned to the mansion and parted ways, your minds and bodies finally giving in to exhaustion and drifting to sleep as you slipped into your bed.

The Next Day

It is now Monday and you stretch blissfully after being woken up by the alarm you don't even remember setting the night before and begin to get ready for the day.

You were finally going to get out of the house and were going back to school as well. This was your outfit for the day:

All the boys decided to join you and Yoongi on your trek towards the college

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All the boys decided to join you and Yoongi on your trek towards the college. When you neared your destination, you did something unexpected shouting before doing it, "Last one on campus has to buy dinner for everyone!", then dashing away with a giggle.

They stopped to stare at one another before bolting after your retreating form, pushing each other in their race to not have an empty wallet. You slowed down a little for them to catch up, allowing Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook to speed past you, letting them think they will win.

You smirked diabolically then put an extra boost in your legs and were once again at the front, the people you flew by whining, "NOOOOO!" and you reached the college, shoving your finger in the air resembling the number one, with a, "Ha!" to conclude the race.

The last person who came after everyone else, stopping to lean over and rest with his hands on his knees, wheezing from loss of breath and Jimin pointed at him, laughing, "And here comes grandpa in 8th place! Mr, what do you have to say about the sudden depletion of money in your bank account?", as he held an imaginary microphone to his face, his eyes turning to tiny crescent moon shapes.

Yoongi shoots a glare at him and growls, "Shut up", scaring the younger boy into a puppy who immediately shuts his mouth and his orbs grow 4 times bigger as he hides behind you muttering lowly with a pout on his face, "Meanie..." and you all burst out into laughter.

You and BTS strolled onto college grounds and you hung each arm around Jimin and Hoseok's shoulders as you waved goodbye to the others and broke away to walk to dance class together. They are alright, you thought to yourself as you saw them tread away to talk to one another with a grin on your lips.


Welp, I am running out of things to say now ummmm, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next time!

Song Name: Monster(stop, before you confuse this with a certain other popular song, read the artist first!)

Artist:Henry(I believe the english version is better. Don't fight me on this! That is just how I listened to it first..)

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us"

-Joseph Campbell

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