Chapter 57

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Y/N was enveloped in bright and warm light and suddenly, the scene she was watching from the window was now beyond her slowly opening lids. The paradise she was so close to becoming a part of not too long ago vanished from her memories leaving only the realistic ones behind leading up to her injury which the pain was just starting to catch up to her now.

She has been avoiding it all this time and this was by far the most excruciating wound she has ever felt, but she was not about to cry and whine about it in front of anyone...speaking of which-

"Y/N! My precious child!", warm hands cup her face and she is met with a man whose broad shoulders allow her to recognize him as the motherly Jin. "You're finally awake! *ahem* took you long enough...", she turns to the younger voice and smiles slightly at Yugyeom as he "cooly" tries to control his child side. "Your such a faker, Noona, he was practically drowning in his own tears waiting for you to wake up", Bambam rolls his eyes at the maknae. "Oh and I guess you were just humbly sitting in your chair, knowing full well she was going to pull through?", Jinyoung scoffs at him. "Of course hyung--", "Wow! What a hypocritical asshole you are!", Rocky exclaims in disbelief. "That's for sure...", you hear what sounds like Yoongi mumble to himself beside you and you giggle. "What's so funny, eh?", Kihyun asks, "You know you could have died. Why would would you do something so reckless Y/N? I mean come on! I'm sure you can tell you had everyone else worried", he nags on and you start to notice the eomma in him too. "Heol! Kihyun-ah, calm down. Y/N's fine now, right tiger?", Wonho smirks at you as he slings his arm around the smaller man's shoulder. You nod lightly at them in response, "Of course", okay with the nickname he had set for you. Kihyun turns his attention to the hyung, basically throwing the respect in that title out the window as he started to verbally attack him, leaving the latter's eyebrows to raise in surprise but amusement glinting in his eyes as the pink-haired man scolds him. 

It was at that moment that all their conversations started to blur out in Y/N's mind as she sees the 4 gathered gangs from a bigger perspective.

She looks to see that everyone is there, all in her room, with their loving gazes directed at....well her of course. And it was in that moment that we realized that was all she needed, it was all she ever needed to feel complete. The hole inside her heart, the one that was cut into her after her both her parents' passing, the one she tried so hard to cover up with the walls that showed her cold and ruthless part and what she had hoped to move past with was never really going to just help her forget what had happened.

What Y/N needed was to accept the fact that bad things happen and sometimes will be unforgettable, so all you can do is try to feel better for yourself, on your own. To the old Y/N, that would have seemed impossible, to just be happy. But now, seeing the people she cared for as much as they cared for her with grins decorating their faces, she realized that as long as they were there, she would keep the same expression, a real smile.

The End

Okay well it's not really the end yet but I will be uploading an epilogue later on. Thank you guys so much for reading and I know this chapter was quite short but I'll try to include more next time

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