Chapter 33

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Eunwoo who was waiting in the driver's seat, tapping his fingers absently on the wheel to the music playing on the radio sat up and reached over to the glove compartment on the other side and grabbed his wallet inside, "Might as well buy some snacks for the ride there. I'll be back",  he says, trying to do his best Arnold Schwarzenegger accent, and might I add failing miserably at it, before leaving to push his way inside through the old glass doors.

You huff in boredom and decide to get out of the car as well. You lean your back against the side of the vehicle, chewing the inside of your lip and wandering your eyes around the area.

You take a glance into the store, straining your neck slightly to make sure you could still see your friend and you resumed your observation of other surroundings when you saw the familiar dark brown color of the hair atop Eunwoo's head. 

15 minutes passed by and you chuckled as you noticed from the corner of your eye Eunwoo struggling to carry the overflowing amount of bagged snacks filling his arms as he made his way to the counter, he had to stop to pick up the ones that fell to the ground on his way. A whimper from a woman nearby caught your attention and you whipped your head around to the area it came from.

The poor young lady was surrounded by several men who seemed to be around their thirties, fear was evident in her widened eyes as she stared back at them. This seems to only egg them further on and they moved closer to her, vile and sinful laughs escaping them, revealing the impish intentions behind them.

You jump up, your hands shoved into your pockets, and walk over to them. Picking up what one of them was saying to the woman as you got closer, "....Come on babe, we just wanna have some fun", the man was ragged looking just like the rest but had a large build which made him look more menacing. As he said that, his companions snicker to it, all having the same look in their eyes, as if the lady in front of them was their prey. 

They advance further and you get the main one's attention saying, "I doubt whatever you are going to do is 'fun'", you air quote the word with your fingers and continue, "Besides, scum like you couldn't so much as get a glance in your direction because frankly it'd be hard not to throw up seeing something that looks like a sewer rat's fatter and uglier cousin", a smirk made it's way to your face when you finished.

This insulted him greatly and hurt whatever twisted sort of pride he had so he slaps you in his fury, which catches you by surprise. His slap was so hard, your head turned to the side from the impact and your nostrils flare as you reach your hand up to touch the now warm and tender spot, your tongue poked at the sharp pain that pierced your cheek and tasted fresh blood as the slap caused your teeth to clench hard and nicking the inside from doing so.

Your eyes dart to the woman, "Miss, I think you should leave. I don't think you want to see what happens next", you wipe the blood that dripped from your mouth while turning back to him. The lady heeds your urgent warning and hurries away as more men come up behind you, but you didn't even have to look back to know it was Astro.

Before you can retalliate, the man in front of you is met with a booted foot to his face and is kicked to the ground from your enraged friend, Rocky. You know that once he gets mad, there is no stopping him until he is satified with the beating he unleashes on the latter, which usually leaves them dead or near it.

Moonbin appears by your side, a look of concern crosses his face as he sees your now swollen cheek before he turns to join Rocky in the now active fight. You stand there in shock at what just happened but soon join them as well, the other members following behind you.

"Aish, so bothersome", MJ shakes his head as he ducks from a flying body and grabs one of the men who bumps into him with one hand, jabbing his fist into his gut with the other, causing him to throw up whatever meal he had before. MJ's face contorts into a darker expression as some of the substance lands on his pants, "Those were very expensive. Guess I'll just have to take an arm and leg for it, that's how the saying goes, right?", he says before proceeding to make the man let out a bloodcurdling scream as he pulls out a shorter bladed golok.


You sigh in annoyance as you glare down at the men on the floor who are either writhing in pain or not moving at all, shaking your head you say indifferently with a shrug, "You deserved it. Should of had it coming".

A few were smart enough to get away before the fighting turned nasty but the same could not be said for those who chose to stay. You turn back to Astro waiting behind you, who each now acquired fresh injuries, which weren't as bad but were still visible and enough to have the need to tend to them. You walk up to the youngest, Sanha and see his brusied eye, worry filling your own and you reached up to graze your fingers over the black and blue spot. 

He moved out of your grasp and looked down muttering, "I'm fine, Noona". You tsk in skepticism and meet the other members with a frustrated look on your face.

You open your mouth to speak only to be interrupted by Eunwoo, "Y/N we fought those bastards knowing we would get a scratch or two in the process. I know what you're going to say and we are adults, we make our own decisions and stick to them so I'm sure we do not regret helping you at all", the others hummed their agreement and looked at you.

This made you shut your mouth and Eunwoo continued, "So, with that said, let's be on our way already then...?", he trailed off and raised the sentence as a question to you.

Narrowing your eyes, you cross your arms and finally crack from all their stares, "Fine. But no one is going to object when I say that I will be cleaning up those 'scratches', you call them once we get to the house" you say in a clear and stern voice.

You sweep them with a death glare before they could protest, since you knew they would, and nag them to get back into the car. Once Sanha closed the door behind him, Moonbin and the others dug into the varied snacks Eunwoo bought from the convenience store in time before the fight started.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. See ya in the next one, deuces!

Song Name: Diamond

Artist: EXO 

"Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love"

-Emma Watson

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