Chapter 51

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You stared at each of the three gangs who looked back at you with equal feeling of longing for you to go with them. You were unsure of who to choose from since you would feel bad for the other if you chose one. "Ugh, how the hell are we going to do this?!", Jackson whined. "Just come with us, Y/N!", Bambam pleaded, going to grab your hand.

Moonbin went to interject him, "No way", he immediately shot the idea down. Namjoon went towards the two, "Y/N should be the one to decide who she wants to go with". Everyone looked back to you and your eyes widened as you started to feel pressure to make a decision.

After a long period of silence, Jimin spoke up, "Rock, paper, scissors for it? Ow!", only to squeak in pain. "Pabo", Jungkook muttered to him after he smacked the back of his head. "Yah, Respect your hyung!", Jimin scolded putting on a stern face only for it to be ruined as it made him look cute instead with his cheeks puffed out and a pout on his plump lips.

Placing your fingers on your chin in thought, you considered other ideas besides choosing between living with either of the 3 powerful gangs. After a while, a light bulb suddenly poofed above your head and your face lit up with the idea. The smile was back on your face again as you stared at them happily, "Let's all live together!"


As the boys began to think about it, scowls grew on their faces thinking about having to be in the same house with the other. They are rivals in the underground world, who in their right mind would allow themselves to share even something as innocent as the television let along live in one house with them?! These were the kinds of thoughts running through their heads as they looked at each other with contempt. But those doubtful looks didn't go unnoticed by you.

Before they could open their mouths in protest, you beat them to it, "Come on, just set your rivalries aside. I was planning on living by myself but obviously from the looks on your faces, you won't let that happen so this is the only option I will abide by", you say quickly. At the thought of you living by yourself again, the boys broke their hateful glares and looked at you with pouts.

You settled your hands on you hips and met their pleading eyes with a raised eyebrow, "So what's it gonna be?" and you watched them as they looked at one another, then amongst themselves, then stared at the ground for a while, and then back at you. You could feel the excitement building up as they slowly nodded their heads and bounced a little, "Yay!"

"Now lets actually go home this time, yeah?", you hooked arms with them and began to march your way towards what you hope will be bliss, ignoring the groans of the boys by your side.


You were in awe as your simple black converse shoes padded along the marble floors of the wonderfully polished marble floors decorating the floors from the giant mansion. And you thought Bangtan's house was huge, boy, were you wrong about that. Even though BTS, Got7, and Astro were living in the same house, it was sectioned off in a way that they were still able to have some sort of personal living space for each.

After everyone else had entered the place themselves and started putting their things in the designated sections of the manor, you took it upon yourself to take a self-guided tour around and get to know everything it held within closed doors.

There were still a few of the boys who would pass by you now and then and give you a warm greeting before continuing on their way with a box of several different types of things inside such a weapons, clothes, or electronics. You just nodded at them in acknowledgement and returned to walking around the house.

You made you way down the main hallway of Bangtan's section, noticing how nice and spacious it was. For them, they had decided to hang up beautiful paintings along the walls, which were painted a dark crimson red. After going through the gallery or sorts, you saw the opening of, a dark themed room that you were unable to see further into from where you were at. This triggered your curiosity and you moved to go inside the area to find out what exactly it was.

The material lining the walls and floors now had turned to a soft velvet and as your vision adjusted to the dimmed lighting, you saw 5 rows of chairs lined up. They weren't regular chairs though, they were cushioned and reclineable ones. You figured out that this room was a movie theater and put a mental note for where it was located for future reference.

You went back out to the main hallway and kept walking, passing by the huge living room in which you caught a glance of the giant TV hanging above an electronic fireplace with plenty of space to lounge around on the comfortable-looking furniture that was placed inside. The kitchen was just across from that room.

You leaned your body to the right, holding onto the frame for support as you took a peek and admired the also spacious area. A wooden island was placed in the middle with the cabinets and appliances matching the dark brown color with contrasting hues. The refrigerator was also a Samsung Hub, the screen was playing a slideshow and you giggled to yourself at all the goofy pictures they had uploaded to it. Continuing on your way, the hallway made a curved left turn and the light around you forebodingly began to go away.

You were met with a large black steel door, preventing you to go any further and your eyebrows furrowed as you thought back to why BTS would want to have a room like this to keep you from going into. You shrugged to yourself as everyone had their secrets and went back in the direction you came. You passed each of the boys' rooms, their names engraved in korean characters onto the doors.

 You stopped when you noticed a clear door you didn't notice before, probably because you were so focused on the floor, which was etched with colorful designs of dragons and other creatures that seemed to be slithering over towards the different rooms their section had. You followed the rainbow koi fish that was swimming its way towards the door as well and moved your face close to the glass to look and see what was inside.

You raised your eyebrows in surprise as you identified an Olympic-sized swimming pool having diving boards placed at different heights along one of it's edges but what really caught you're attention was the varied types of water slides that were there not only making the area an indoor pool but also an indoor water park. You could imagine the maknae line begging their hyungs to install this particular room for them to have their fun in.

The other two sections of the mansion were set up according to the style of the gangs that designed them. Astro's section had a dance studio, another library like they had back at their hideout, and access to the backyard which was adorned with lights and lanterns hanging from the tall trees planted along the area. Got7's section had a karaoke room, game room and an elevator taking you to the roof where it was open up in a way that gave you the option of lying on soft cushioned mats to look at the stars above or sit in lounge chairs to relax from the sight of the sea, a not very short distance away.

Because the mansion was so big, you had spent nearly the entire day touring around and now you were exhausted. You lazily took of your shoes, going into whoever's room you were closest to and slipped on their larger and more comfortable clothes then walked back out and went to the main living room. You dragged your feet closer until your knees met the couch and let your body flop onto what you were hoping were the cushions of the couch.

Instead of that, you hear an, "Oof!", and turned your body around so your back was on their lap and looked to see who it was you landed on. "I see you're tired, Y/N. That's funny because I thought I remember us being the ones moving around going back and forth to put our stuff inside", Jinyoung met your glare with an bright eye smile and you turned your body back around so your stomach was now in his lap. "Whatever", you grumbled to yourself but began to get sleep as his warm hand started to rub soothing circles on your back and you let yourself become engulfed into slumber. What you didn't know before your eyes closed was a particular mint-haired man watching the two of you with jealousy burning in his cold gaze.


Hey guys, how is school going for ya? Or how about that job your working maybe? Its probably tiring isn't it? You don't really enjoy but maybe you need the money or you just like money I don't know. Well whatever the issue may be, you are strong, you can do it, and I believe you can get through it so you go do that thing you have been putting off and go outside, breathe in that fresh air, go grab a drink and a snack and do something you haven't tried before, try something new, it doesn't hurt to try, right?

Song Name: Mamma Mia

Artist: SF9

"You are confined only by the walls you build yourself"

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