Chapter 4 : Tour Day 1 Pt. 2

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After taking them to the Namsan Park, i took them to the Korean Restaurant called Wangbjib in Myeongdong, so they can taste how good grilled meat here in Seoul. I booked a private room, so that they feel comfy and more privacy.

"Wow you speak Korean really well" Tris said, as i asking the Korean Waitress the menu.

"Yes, i learned Korean in high school, plus i live here for about 4 years. I have to speak Korean" i said.

"4 FREAKING YEARS. AMAZING!" Tris shouted. And i chuckled, while the other was shook, except Brad. Of course, i told him earlier, remember?;)

"So this is the favorite menu here in Wangbjib, you don't have to worry about the grilled. They will grilled the meat for you, so all you have to do is sit band and watch the magic happen. I'll pick you up at 4pm" i said, as i about to stood up.

"Wo wo. Where are you going? Come , eat with us" James said.

"Yeah, i'm sure you're hungry too. Let's have lunch with us" Connor added.

"Let's hang out together, Cailyn. Please stay" James said.

"No, I'm fine. You guys need to eat, and my job is only to drop you off in the restaurant" i said, giggled.

"Yes, we know. But we all know that you need to eat too. We all insist , you have to stay, that is an order" Brad finally said, which made me a little surprised.

"Besides, we want to know you more, knowing that we will spend a week together" James nudging Brad's arm, raising his eyebrows, and smirking to me.


So here i am, sitting around them, having lunch while they're interviewing me and mylife:)

"So you have been live here in Korea for 4 years? How come?" Tris asked.

"Well, i studied here. I graduated from Seoul National University a year ago, taking Social Scienes" i said.

"Why Seoul?" Connor asked.

"Because i just love Korea out of nowhere. I like to study about their language and their culture since high school" I explained.

"I'm sorry for asking, but where are from Cailyn?" James asked.

"Am i in trouble? Why you are guys interviewing me? Hahaha. I'm from Manchester, England" i said.

They all shooked, except Brad.

"SHE IS OUR PEOPLE! HAIL TO ENGLAND!" Tris shouted. I chuckled.

"HELL YEAH" Connor said.

"I said hail , not hell yeah, stupid!" Tris knocked Connor's head.

"Didn't live alone in people's country ever scared you?" Brad finally asked.

"Good questions. For the first year, it scared the shit out of me. I don't speak Korea really well that time. So i was having such a hard time to communicate with native people here. I do understand what they said, but it was really hard for me to use a proper language to talk to them, since i'm a foreigner" i said. They all looked at me in the serious face. They look so cute.

"Are they treat you differently here, as a foreigner?" James asked.

"Of course. At first i thought they are very welcoming people. Well some of them are. But some of them really don't give a care. Especially in the subway" I said.

"It happen to me once, i was in subway on my way to go home from my Uni, i was sitting in the train, and in front of me, was sitting a woman around 30-40ish years old. I was looking around to see my surroundings. Then my eyes met this woman's eyes. And suddenly she said 'What are you looking at huh?' in Korea of course, while giving me death glare. I was so confused, i don't even staring at her, i didn't mean to, and she just yelled and ready to fight me" I added, and they laughed.

Tour Guide (Bradley Simpson- The Vamps Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now