Maybe We Should Take It Slow... Or Should We???

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      I smiled thinking of how my parents met

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      I smiled thinking of how my parents met... It led to their marriage and most importantly, me. I bet you're wondering if I'm an only child but what's the fun in giving things away too soon? Anyway, back to my parents' story. After they met nothing huge really happened between them, according to my mom, until about three months later. That's when my dad finally got the courage to finally ask her out. He had a few words to add though because he didn't want to rush into a new relationship after the one he just got out of...


      I was enjoying the fact I could see Kae on a regular basis now

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      I was enjoying the fact I could see Kae on a regular basis now. We were really good friends and the more I got to know her, the more I liked her. I loved everything about her she's an amazing woman who does nothing but lift me up when I'm having a bad day or keep my head up to make sure a good day doesn't turn into a bad one. Let's not forget the bad ass stylist she is for me! I must've forgotten that little detail but she is and that's what her boss wanted to talk to her about. She was also honest and told me that because of the incident he couldn't get anyone else to work with me but her. I appreciated that but it brought me down because I love what I do and I can't keep doing it if I don't have the support.

      I can get the support from the fans all I want, but if I don't have the support from the media and all of that to get my music out there, what's the point? I feel like my career is over and I should give up. Kae and my mom help me keep pushing though so I don't and assure me that all my hard work to get back to the top will be worth it. I couldn't be more thankful and that's why despite my mom's opinion of not liking Kae, I'm gonna ask her out. How that's gonna go I have no idea because I did wait for three months to get the courage to do it. Not only that but after Rihanna, I didn't want to rush into anything and I still don't. Why? I still have my guard up and in a way, I'm protecting Kae.

      Knowing all the shit I get in the media and how badly I'm suffering from this horrible mistake I made, she will definitely get hit with some of it due to the fact she's dating me just months after it happened. They may even talk worse about her than they do about me because she got with a 'woman beater' as they call me when I'm far from it. My bitch ass former step-father was one and I promised myself I would NEVER end up like him! That's what makes this harder on me, I'm ashamed of myself for breaking that promise and stooping to his level. I also disappointed my mom too and that KILLS me! She's my everything and all I want is to make her proud.

The Path Of Hope: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now