Chanced Meetings

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      The day my dad gave me my mom's journal was maybe three months after she passed

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      The day my dad gave me my mom's journal was maybe three months after she passed. I don't know what made him decide then to give it to me but maybe as my dad he sensed it. The 'it' I'm referring to was the fact that I pretty much felt like giving up on everything that day. My mom was gone, and the only reason I still did my play was because I didn't want to disappoint her. The worst part about losing her was the fact that I couldn't miss any school to have time to grieve. If if did, I'd have to go to fucking summer school just to be able to graduate on time and it sucked!

      I just wanted her back and wanted things to go back to the way they were before she got diagnosed with her cancer. Losing her made me push away everyone but my dad. I didn't have a boyfriend but I'm pretty sure I ruined my chances of a relationship with my crush and all because I pushed him away. Same for all my friends... well most of them anyway. My three best friends were by my side no matter what and knew I just needed time. I don't think you really want to listen to me go on since I should be telling you my parents' story so here we go... It all started that summer of what my dad says was the hardest year of his life, 2009...


      I was on my way to work my first day as a styling assistant! This was something new for me since I'm used to working at Nordstrom, but working there made me want to do more with actually making the clothes

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      I was on my way to work my first day as a styling assistant! This was something new for me since I'm used to working at Nordstrom, but working there made me want to do more with actually making the clothes. It took me three years to actually get the courage to try this too since things like this don't always work out. You won't know if it will though if you don't try right? As I pull up to the building nervous about this being my first day, I get nervous and freak out because this isn't just any styling job! I'm actually helping style CELEBRITIES!

      All I'm thinking about right now is who will be the first person they style today and how I'd react to whoever it was. That right there could cause me to lose this job if I act too crazy so, I'm gonna try and keep my cool as best as I can. Hopefully it pays off! I just clocked in and heard the assistant up front announce my arrival to my boss causing me to start screaming inside; I'm THAT nervous right now! It's more of an anxious nervous at this point though since I'm really excited about it!

      These emotions can't show though, not on my face anyway so I guess I'll have to hide them and act professional. I finally find the area I need to be in for the day and my boss greets me. "Ah, there you are Karrueche right on time, our first client of the day just arrived!" Already?! I'm impressed, I heard their shoot didn't start until 11:45 and it's thirty minutes before that now! I'm here since as the assistant, I have to help set up the wardrobe for each person that would be walking through the door. They expect the right clothes to choose from along with them being organized so they can pick what they want easily.

The Path Of Hope: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now