:: Fifteen ::

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It had been about a week or so since Billy opened up and we were doing relatively good. I was spending the day at his house today. I was watching tv and he was over lifting his weights and smoking cigarettes. He had music playing so I was watching the TV on mute.

The doorbell began to ring and Max was in her room. Billy was counting his reps and smoking a cigarette. The doorbell rang again and Billy sighed.

"Max, are you getting that?" He yelled obviously annoyed.

"Yeah!" She yelled quickly from her room. I looked over at him and he was all sweaty and hot. He had on one of his white shirts and black basketball shorts. Max ran to open the door and I could see Lucas was standing outside and she turned to look at Billy with wide eyes and then closed the door behind her as she realized he wasn't looking.

After a few bench presses, he took a long drag off of his cigarette and stood up. He turned to look at the door he slowly started walking towards it. He wore a blank expression as he cracked a drink taking a sip of it and swallowing hard.

"What're you doing?" I asked and he turned his head looking at me.

"I wanna make sure she's not talking to that little shit head." He said quietly. I rolled my eyes and looked away. He inched closer and Max came in obviously in a hurry and slammed the door behind her. She went to walk by him and he stuck his arm out and dropped his hand on the mantle.

"Who the hell were you talking to?" He asked looking at her. She thought for a second and responded.

"M-Mormons," She said calmly.

"Mormons?" He questioned. I could tell he didn't believe her.

"Really talkative ones," She smiled faintly and dipped into the other room.

Billy whipped the front door open and looked outside. He looked up and down the street. I prayed no one was there. He turned and came back inside slamming the door.

"I know she's lying," he shook his head and put his cigarette out.

"And if she is?" I shrugged.

"Then I get in trouble remember? I'm sick of her fucking lying." He seethed as he walked off and went upstairs. I turned the tv off as I got up to head upstairs with him. He was standing in his boxers as he threw his sweaty clothes in the hamper.

I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his sweaty body placing my hands on his abdomen. I felt him exhale heavy as he turned and wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him and smiled. He returned a half-assed smile and I frowned.

"How about I take you home and pick you up later. We can go do something?" He suggested the idea and I smiled.

"Of course." I kissed his cheek.


Max came over with Lucas, Dustin and Steve. She begged me to come with them even after I told her I had a date with Billy.

"Please Liv," she begged me.

"Shouldn't you be home anyways Max. Your parents will be home in an hour or so." I scolded her and she rolled her eyes.

"Liv we need your help," Dustin spoke up and I sighed. I couldn't tell the kid no.

"Fine, lets go." I hurried out the door in annoyance and sat in the front of Steve's car.

"Thank god, I should've just asked." He sighed and sunk in.

I knew why they wanted me to go along. I knew it had gotten out that I had some sort of psychic type abilities. But this town was different they didn't treat me like a freak or really bat an eye at it. It was different, that was the only part other than Billy that made this town feel like home.

Steve parked the car and we got out and began walking through the woods. But Something jolted me to a stop. I felt my eyes roll back and I could see him. I saw Billy standing in his room with a red button up shirt, black leather jacket and blue jeans. His dad knocked on the door and came in. Billy snapped at him and Neil pinned him up against his closet and slapped him. Susan stood in the doorway helpless.

When I came back they were all standing there looking at me. Dustin was the only one who knew the rest looked freaked out.

"What? What did you see?" Dustin asked frantically.

"It's Billy, I've got to go." I started to shake and Steve threw me his car keys.

"Meet is back here," he said and I nodded.

"Next time Max tell Billy the truth, this ones on you." I pointed at her and she looked confused. I jumped in the car and sped off to Billy's house.

When I pulled up out front I could see that Neil and Susan finally got home. I waved my hand in front of the door and it flew open. I ran inside and bolted upstairs to Billy's room where Susan stood in the door.

"She's not my sister," I heard Billy say then I heard him get slammed against the closet.

"Stop!" I yelled at Neil and he turned back to Billy.

"Is that the whore you have a date with?" He questioned Billy.

"Yes sir," Billy said. I could tell he was intimidated by his father. As Neil drew back to slap him I held my hand up stopping his arm in mid air. He tired to jerk his arm out of my hold but he was weak. I waved my hand behind me forcing Susan to scoot out the door as it slammed shut.

Neil turned to me with wide eyes as I screamed with rage causing him to lift off the ground and I flung my hand slamming him into one of Billy's walls. I did it again and he hit the other wall. I could see the fear in Neil's eyes as I dragged him to me and held my hand up so he hovered just above the ground and was gasping for air.

"If you ever lay your fucking hands on Billy again I'll fucking kill you." I yelled as Neil was grabbing at his throat. I dropped him and he sat there defeated.

I grabbed Billy's hand and pulled him as I ran down the stairs. He followed close behind me and when we reached outside he halted to a stop.

"Why do you have Harrington's car?" He jerked his hand out of mine.

"Because Billy max and the kids could be in trouble and Steve is with them. Let's go," I grabbed him and jerked him towards the car. He didn't fight me or try to stop he quickly got in the car and I peeled out of the driveway.

For once I had to do something right with myself, use the power for good and not to my advantage.


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