:: Five ::

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Getting ready for school this morning I put on a mini skirt and spaghetti-strapped tank top. I laced my shoes in and threw my hair up into a sloppy bun. I popped 2 more Xanax pills and slipped the bottle into my bag. I watched down the stairs and my parents were sitting at the table as usual.

"I need a refill on my Xanax," I said to my mother as I walked by her and out the door before I could hear her sigh.

When I got to school I walked by the Camaro without acknowledging his existence and I dragged myself inside to my first class. I sat in my seat and waited for him and his crew to barrel in.

"Tardy as usual Hargrove," Mrs. brown shook her head as he walked into the classroom. I could feel him looking at me and I stared blankly at the chalkboard.

I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms listening to the lesson. I felt numb and to not feel overwhelmed, hurt and anxious was nice. I felt Billy's hot breath on my ear and neck as he leaned close to whisper to me.

"You look extra slutty today." He voice was low and rasped.

"Yeah," I replied and then the bell rang dismissing us. I cut Billy and his friends off as I stood to walk out. He bumped into me and gave me a dirty look.

"Watch it, bitch." Tommy leaned in to say. I giggled as I turned around and reached up flicking him at the end of his nose causing him to groan as his eyes started to water. I turned back around and walked out of the class. I stopped at my locker and grabbed my bag taking it to PE with me. I could feel him following me but I didn't have the urge to run or be scared anymore.

I stopped at the water fountain and grabbed my pill bottle. I took one out and popped it into my mouth and got a drink. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. He looked pissy at the fact that I didn't give a fuck.

"What're you doing?" He seethed through his teeth.

"Don't pretend like you care Billy it'll ruin your reputation," I taunted as I slowly walked away purposely walking in a zigzag with my arms out. He grabbed my arms and slammed me against the wall grabbing my jaw.

"It's not a fucking joke." His hot breath on my face as he was centimeters away.

"I never said it was." I shrugged it off and he wasn't happy still.

"What're you taking then?" He asked as he rummaged through my bookbag pulling out the bottle.

"Xanax Billy, try one you might relax." I snapped at him and tried grabbing the bottle but he pulled away.

"How many did you take?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

"One this morning and one just now," I lied not knowing what he was going to do. Then he took off with the bottle and dipped into the boy's bathroom. I followed him and saw him dumping the bottle and I laughed.

"My mom got my new script today." I laughed at him and he pressed me against the stall.

"I'll dump that one too, Princess." He kept a stern tone and I bit my lip looking at him. His eyes fell to my mouth and his breathing slowed a bit. I grabbed the sides of his face and locked my lips on his. He kissed back with burning hunger as he picked me up and held me against the stall. I laced my fingers into his hair and tugged as he let out a low growl. He kissed my neck and squeezed my ass as I let out a small moan. He gripped my thighs tight as he kissed my chest and back up to my lips.

"You're so fucking sexy when you're mad," I smiled ear to ear and he just grinned showing his beautiful white teeth. One of Billy's sidekicks walked into the bathroom. Billy set me down and turned to look at him.

"Coach said if you don't get your ass to class he's going to come looking for you," Tommy said as he turned around to walk out. I walked over to the sink and leaned over it to fix my makeup. Billy stood behind me and grabbed my hips pressing his crotch to my ass and my breath hitched.

"You drive me mad," his voice was low and raspy like his morning voice and I could feel my lower abdomen burn. I spun around and kissed his neck and jawline.

"Let's go," I opened the door to signal for him to go and he started to walk out but not before stopping to smack my ass first. I shook my head and he walked to class. I skipped PE today and walked around until the next class.

When lunch finally came I was the first one to the cafeteria as usual to grab a tray and my table. I furrowed my brows as I watched Max run in and sit next to me. She leaned in and whispered in my ear 'code red' and got up. I left my tray and ran after her. We ran to the middle school where saw her friends gathered in a little room.

"I'm Dustin," the curly-haired boy said.

"I'm Lucas," said the colored boy.

"Mike, I'm mike." Said the dark-haired boy.

"I'm will," said the slightly smaller brown-haired boy.

"I'm Olivia, call me Liv." I waved at all of them.

"Tell her what's going on guys," Max urged.

"Uhh, well I found this creature in my trash and tried to make it my pet but it's turned out to be a monster." Dustin sighed and shook his head.

"Okay, so where is it now?" I asked.

"At my house," Dustin stayed without hesitation.

"Do you have a cellar?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Lure it out and trap it in there." I shrugged.

"It ate my cat," Dustin sighed. I couldn't help but chuckle at that statement.

"Monsters eat whatever they want, especially a Demogorgon," I said and their heads turned.

"How do you know what it is?" Mike asked a little shocked.

"I'm a psychic, with freak powers." I waved my hand across the room and all the papers started floating. When I snapped my fingers they landed where they belonged. All of them stared in awe.

"Do you know a girl that goes by the name Eleven?" Mike asked.

"No I don't Hunny, I'm sorry." I frowned a bit seeing the sadness on this kids face. By the time we all got done talking I peeked in the hallway to check the time.

"Shit, Max let's go your brother is going to be pissed it's 5 o'clock." Max groaned and quickly grabbed her stuff as we ran out of the school. The walk to their house seemed the same as walking to mine but Max had her adventurous short cuts for when she was late.

"I'll tell him I held you up so he doesn't yell at you," I followed her inside because their parents weren't home and went to Billy's room. Max went into her room quickly and I knocked on Billy's door. It popped open and I stood there frozen as the sight of his naked body pounding into some girl came into my view. I recognized the girl, she was the one that called me a slut.

"Get out Maxine!" Billy shouted then looked in his mirror to see me in the doorway and he stopped. I bit the inside of my cheek and pulled his shirt from my bag and threw it at him.

"I'm the reason Max is home late." I spit the words like venom then slammed his door. I heard him call my name through the door and suddenly it swung open and he was stumbling out.

"Fuck you, Billy." I kept walking towards the front door and waved my hand swinging it open. I stomped out like an angry toddler but it hurt. I didn't want it to hurt but it did. I rushed home and I barreled through the door. I grabbed my new script off the table and went upstairs.

I went to the bathroom and drew bathwater in the tub. I took another Xanax and stripped down to climb into the tub. I slowly climbed in and sunk into the water. I closed my eyes after turning the water off and I began to cry.

I messed up, I let myself start to care about him. I started to feel something for him and Billy Hargrove wasn't the kind of guy you should catch feelings for.


I'm going a little soft on Billy right now, but don't worry he obviously still has his asshole qualities. I have a few more updates in the works over the next few days as I have many ideas 💕

Look After You {AU} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora