:: One ::

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My alarm started screaming in my ear and groaned, that meant it was time to get up and get ready for school. I dragged myself out of bed and rubbed my eyes as I shuffled over to my dresser. I grabbed a bra, clean underwear, shorts high waisted shorts and a black crop top.

I quickly got dressed and brushed my blonde hair. I sighed and turned the curling iron to give my shoulder-length hair a little volume. I just haven't been able to get into the big hair like everyone else. I grabbed some low cut socks and my black high top converse. After getting my shoes on I quickly curled my hair, then put on black eyeliner and mascara. My brown eyes looked darker then before.

I stepped back, looked in the mirror and sighed looking at my touching thighs and bubble butt. My stomach was flat and my boobs weren't exactly small. I sighed again looking at my body as I tried so hard to love it. I wanted to be like the other girls and have smaller boobs and a much smaller bottom. I knew I was going to get picked on at this school, especially for what I was wearing but I shrugged.

"You've got to love yourself eventually Liv," I pepped myself up and walked out the door to head to the school that was a 10 minute walk away.

As soon as I started walking through the parking lot I lowered my gaze away from the girls that were staring in my direction. I had to remember the reason I was here and I had to remind myself that people are afraid of supernatural things. My thoughts were disrupted by the loud rev of the dark blue camaro. He whipped into the parking spot I stood less than a foot from and I jumped. My blood began to boil and I saw the young red head that I assumed was Max climb from the passenger seat. He lit a cigarette and climbed out of the car shutting the door. I could feel the eyes piercing into me from every direction.

"Do you enjoy nearing running over people?" I asked in a snotty tone.

"What're you gonna do about it princess?" He snickered at me.

"Destroy your precious car, princess." I snapped at him. I saw his jaw tense as he ran his tongue across the inside of his cheek then across the back of his teeth.

I headed into my first class that appeared to be English class. I was tardy due to trouble finding my locker and class. When I walked in I rolled my eyes seeing him and seeing the only open seat was in front of him.

"Olivia? I'm Mrs. Brown." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled back.

"Take a seat in front of Billy." She pointed at him and I smirked that I knew his name now. I walked back and sat in front of him. I sat on the edge of my chair and leaned forward on the desk. I felt a tap on my shoulder and leaned back. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he whispered into my ear.

"If you touch my car it'll be the last thing you do." His voice was low.

"Billy? Right? I don't care for your mommy or daddy issue induced bullying. Don't fuck with me." I gave him a small smile and turned around.

"Tough girl, aye." His buddies chuckled and I shook my head.

I sat forward and leaned on my desk again waiting for the bell to ring. When it finally did I quickly stood and I sighed as I felt my shorts riding up exposing part of my ass cheeks. I pulled them down but I could feel him staring, but the tension was different.

"Sorry, go ahead." I moved to the side to let them pass.

"Don't worry, I could watch that all day." Billy winked at me as he passed me. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had P.E next. I wandered the halls until I found the gym and walked in. I felt like I was going crazy already as I spotted him again.

"Ah Miss Porter, I see you found your way. Today the ladies will be playing tennis while the gentlemen will be playing football." The man instructed.

"I'd rather play football sir, I'm not one for girly sports." I looked down to see his name was Mr. Winston and he furrowed his eyebrow at me and the boys chuckled. He tossed the ball to me and waited.

"Show me how far you can throw." He crosses his arms as I jogged to the end of the basketball court. When I reached the end I stepped forward with my left foot, making sure my feet were shoulder length apart and threw the ball to the other end of the court with a perfect spiral. All of the whispering boys shut up and the girls began to laugh at them.

"Alright Porter lets go. Harrington a girl throws better than you." Mr. Winston chuckled to himself and we walked out to the field. I sat on the sideline and had to bring in clothes for next class. When the bell rang I ran inside and ditched so I wouldn't have to deal with Billy again.

The rest of the day blurred together and I had to sit through a few more classes with him. At the end of the day I went to head out the door and I saw max bolting out.

I watched her run over to Billy who was waiting at his camaro. As I walked past I smirked as I got an idea and turned just before I passed and walked to the driver side window. He looked up at me and waited for me to say something. I stuck my finger out and touched his mirror and giggled.

"Touch." I said through my giggles.

"What?" Max asked completely clueless.

"You see hunny, your step brother if I'm assuming correctly said that if I ever touched his car it would be the last thing I'd do," I smiled at her and billy looked at me over his sunglasses.

"Are you done?" He asked, obviously not as humored as Max or I.

"Yes sir." I rolled my eyes and stepped back.

I started to walk home and I couldn't help but giggle again at my smart ass self. I knew I pissed him off and I'd probably have hell to pay considering every girl in this school drools over him.

Whether I wanted to or not I have to break the ice with him soon.

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