Chapter 11

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Crowley needed to keep on his tough guy act. It was what was expected of him. In doing so he needed to deny the fact that he actually liked Eve. "Come on, us, raising a kid," he scoffed, "A human one on top of it." Throught the day he had accumulated plenty of excuses, that one being the most favorable one.

"Who will then?" Aziraphale asked, "She has no one. Did you see the look in her eyes. It broke my heart."

The demon groaned, "Those Sarah Mclaughlin dog PSA's make you cry." Aziraphale huffed in resentment. "Besides without her around we can get back to the normal. Don't need to worry when she'll pop in."

"You'll miss her," the angel pouted, "And when you do I'll tell you I told you so." The angel stood up and sauntered into the other room. The sound of him picking up the land line and dialing could be heard from where the demon sat.

The demon frantically rushed to end the call. He slammed his hand against the switch, ending the dialing noise coming from a receiver. Aziraphale looked at him with his mouth agape, and eyes wide. "Crowley," he gasped in surprise.

Crowley sighed, slightly regretting what he did himself. "You're acting on a whim," the demon found an excuse for his actions. "Give it a few days."

So that's exactly what they did. They gave it three days. Everyday the would return to the bookshop after their lunch outings. They would talk and banter like they always did, but with every chime of the bookstore bell  they looked to see if the auburn headed child was running in. Each time it wasn't their spirits sank. Neither said anything, but was obvious to the other through their deminer.

Even once they split ways the girl haunted them. Crowley would just stare at the small plant the girl had been taking care of. She had chosen a flowering shrub, which had started blooming. Crowley couldn't help but picture the excited look on the girls face at the development. She would have also went off at the demon, as she was raising it with encouragement instead of fear. He would admit through, she had a fine plant.

Aziraphale would return to his now decorated flat. On the coffee table was plenty resources he had gather for the girl. Books for child, plenty he found entertaining through reading with her. He couldn't help but remember the celebrations they had when the girl could figure out a page in her own. There were even scraps of paper left from when Crowley would help her from math.

It was the fourth day when they couldn't handle it anymore. Crowley let out a deep sigh after a sip of wine. "Alright," he groaned, "I miss the little monster."

A smirk appeared on the angel's face. He figured that wasn't the time for 'I told you so' s, so he did his best to hide it. The demon was obviously aware of his actions. "I do to," Aziraphale sighed, "Should I make the call."

"I guess," Crowley groaned, "We could just miracle her into our custody." While he indeed missed the girl, he didn't want to go through the hastle of adoption that humans needed to go through.

The angel was a posed to doing so, for more than one reason. "Now let's not be hasty," he sighed, getting up to make the call he had started days before. "I'm sure we will need plenty of miracles along the way."

The first of many miracles to come, was making it so they exist. To the knoedge of the world's governments they were no one. They did not exist. Now to the world Anthony J. Crowley was born June 6, 1986 in London Bridge Hospital, and Alec Z. Iraphale was born October 21, 1983. Of course, all details chosen by Crowley, including the rediculous parental names he promptly forgot.

Many miracles followed in order to make the process go as smoothly as possible. Until one came along, which caused both a bit of major distress. "I'm sure it's just some error, but I seem to be incapable of finding your marriage certificate," the social work said during one of their last meetings. This one implication struck shock through the celestial beings. Of course the feelings one had for the other was known by one's self, but not by the other. With promises to get it sorted out, it was up for them to do just that.

The two climbed into the Bently, to return to the bookstore. Both were still flustered and blushing, staying awkwardly quiet. *Sk are you gonna propose first, or are we just gonna do it in a snap," Crowley joked, making light of the situation. He had long since seen the sentiment of the mortal habit of marriage. Promising to spend their whole life with the one they loved, and to be seen as one. In the demon looked up dreams, he had hoped to marry the angel one day, but thought it would just stay locked away in his mind.

"I won't unless you're alright with it," Aziraphale assured him, "I'm sure we could get Eve without being married anyways." He didn't want to do something Crowley didn't want to. The demon was always a free spirit, not wanting to be tide down to anything. Let alone in HOLY matrimony. Now Aziraphale could see spending the rest of eternity with Crowley, and the sentiment in promising to do so. But he wasn't sure the demon was up for something so, nice... perse.

"Go ahead," Crowley shrugged, trying to hide the blush burning his face. "It just some piece of paper."

Aziraphale's heart sank with one statement. He thought he knew better, but mistakenly though the demon thought nothing of marriage. "As long as your alright with it," the angel said, poorly hiding his disappointment in his voice. "It is for Eve after all." The one love they could put in the open was for that young girl, but not for each other.

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