Chapter 11 joke is on you

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Lincoln was the first to wake up and looking saw Star passed out on the floor and looked out the window.The first thought in his head was 'huh last night was crazy' and then he heard Star wake up.The first thing Star said being screaming "AHHH IM BLIND"and Lincoln turned around and looked and saw she just had a blanket on top of her.Then he went and pulled the blanket off saying "I decree you now have sight"in an english accent and Star said in an english accent"oh thank you dear prince".Then they both looked at each other and laughed and Star said"So lets go head into the woods to use magic bro" and Lincoln with a confused face said"why not outside the castle?"And Star looking sheepish said"I might have went a little out of control in the castle and kingdom with testing out magic so when I came back to mewni Mom said testing magic must be in the woods".Then Lincoln made a 'really' look and Star made a 'Im sorry' look and Lincoln said well ok let me get my things and he put on his clothes and grabbed his staff and cloak.Then riding both on their cloudy charms flew out and while they were doing that in the bushes near the castle a distorted laughed was heard.The area Star and Lincoln landed in was a clearing in the woods and when they did they immediately got to work with star showing Linc many of her classics.The while they were doing that an arm stretched out and left what look to be a jack in the box.Then Linc said to Star "you know learning all these new spells and spending time with you is pretty fun"and this made Star smile and say "well when its just us awesiblings anything is fun"and Linc said"you made that word up"and Star said confused "and?".Then Linc smiled and said "I like it"and they were about to hug when all of the sudden they heard "glopgor" and glossryck appeared and stole Linc's staff.The moment he did it he bolted out of the line of sight and Linc ran after him and Star was just about to follow him when she heard pop goes the weasel and she saw the jack in the box.The jack in the box was winding down and she was thinking 'who left this here' and then it stopped and popped out was a gloved hand.Then Star thought 'huh kinda expected something else then a hand oh well' and she turned around to go get linc when she did however the hand stretched and grabbed her by the hair and went back in with her and the box changed from black to a blue jack in the box with a handle that looked like Star's wand.Then what looked like the shadow of a jester loomed over it ,meanwhile Linc was out of the woods and managed to grab his staff from Glossryck and he looked at Glossryck said"you shouldn't take things that dont belong to you"and Glossryck got a confused face and said "glopgor?".This made Linc sigh and say "I need to talk to my sis on how to handle you" and he looked around then at Glossryck and said "now im busy go home" and Glossryck ran home while Linc and his newly made cloudy charm flew off.The moment he entered the clearing he cold feel something was off and looking around noticed Star wasnt around.This caused him to mini panic until he saw the jack in the box and then saw it playing itself unlike star Linc immediately redied his staff thinking 'I dont know what that is but im not taking any chances'.The moment it popped up however it wasnt a hand but a tiny jack in the box styled Star that looked at him and in a high voice said "wait dont shoot" and Linc looked at Star and said "oh my gosh what happen" and Star said in a high pitched voice "The jack in the box played and a hand came out and when I turned my back it grabbed me and shoved me in the box and when I came out well this happend".Then Star looked at Linc and he looked like he was holding back laughing and he said "well we should fix that" and Star getting a little irritated said "and what's so funny mister" and this caused Linc to look like he was holding back more laughter and he said "nothing".Then Star looked at him in a confused face and said"well ooook and we need to fix this fast or mom will say"and star trys to look like moon and does her accent"oh star I can't believe you let this happen to you while you were watching your brother".This sentence made the dam burst as Lincoln suddenly burst out Laughing and said"ok ok im sorry its just so funny to hear you talk like that"and Star crossed her arms and huffed and Linc said "ok ok seriously we need to fix you".Then Star said"how do we do that" and then Linc looked at his staff and thought of an idea aimed the staff at himself and said "best guess"and then a blast came out and shot him and then he got a great idea and said "ok we know that it playing forward sucked you in but maybe playing it backwards will reverse this".Then when Star said"great idea" a stretched hand came from deep in the woods and grabbed the wand shaped handle. The one to notice this was Linc and said"hey"and then immediately ran while picking up star in the box and while chasing the hand heard distorted laughter and Star said"I dont know whats worse us chasing this hand or the creepy laughter"and Linc said "same".They followed the hand until it led them to a stage in the middle of another clearing and the hand went through the curtin and the curtins opened up to a sign and it said the jester and beartrap.The look on there face was clear confusion and Linc said "are they a group from here"and Star said "I never heard of them"and then the sign was pulled away by a hook and they were confused and also a little fightend.The dummy looked like a teddy bear but it was black and had a beartrap for a mouth ,but it was the "jester"that was a bit scary it looked like a she and was dressed similar to a jester but wore a mask split down the midle one side had the usual yellow and black happy face but the other side was black with a red dot for an eye and what looked like sharp red teeth in a smile and her shoulder to elbows and hips to knees looked like an acordian.The only other noticable things were her outfit was yellow and red and she had her hair in pigtails and the acordian part was black.Then a look of confusion was on there faces Linc said to star "um are they some sort of famous group around here" and Star said"dont look at me ive never heard of them".Then the show began and the jester started but the only thing that came out of her mouth was distorted laughs and then she stop and beartrap answers "thats easy chicken strips".This went on for a little bit until the Jester and beartrap looked at them and Beartraps eyes turn read and he says in a very creepy voice "calm down we're just going to take everything from you in at your weakest Crush you".Then Beartrap was thrown straight at them but Lincoln shields it with a spell and puts Star on the ground and says "wait here" and Star says "hang on" but he's already gone and Star says"anything else bad could happen?"and then growling is heard and Star turns her head to be face to face with Beartrap with Star gulping and saying "oh no".The moment Lincoln left Star the stage strangely dissapeared and the jester was standing there holding the crank and Linc grabbed his staff and said"listen just drop the crank and leave and we'll forget this"and the jester just laughed and punched Linc
and the accordian part of her arm stretched.The moment she did that linc ducked the punch and thought ' okay so she can stretch her arms and it looks like she can also compressor body if I'm guessing right'.The while he was thinking he was dodgeing stretched punches and kicks and while doing this he thought 'gotta think of something oh wait I got it'.The moment the jester was about punch Linc cast a spell "stuck strike" and when she was hit with it she was stuck with he unable stretch and Linc said "just like that one video game in an arcade your buttons are stuck"This made the Jester drop the crank and like a mime pull a rope behind a tree.This was until she was behind the tree and the moment Linc chased her while grabbing the crank but saw she wasnt behind the tree and sighed saying" I can tell this isn't the last time I'll see her".Then Linc heard a loud high pitched scream saying"HELP ME" and saw Star in the box up a tree with Beartrap below and Linc ran to Star and using his staff said "smash strike" and just like that Bear trap was ripped to pieces.Then held out his arms to which Star using her weight fell into and then Linc said"im not even going to ask how you got in the tree " and Linc put the crank back on in shoved star back in the box and close the lid and played the song backwards by the end of it the Box began to shake and Star appeared in his arms in a puff of smoke.This lead to both of them falling due to the shear weight of Star and Linc said"are you ok" and Star said "yep" and held up her wand and said "and I got my wand which reminds me"and she aimed her wand at him and blasted him and it look like nothing happend.Then Linc opened his mouth and said in what appeared to be a high pitched voice"what did that do"and Linc paused a moment while Star giggled and Linc smirked and said "what would dad say"and then speaking in his high pitched voice and fathers accent"oh dear how ever will anyone take us seriously"after saying that they both burst out laughing.They're both being seen in a crystal ball far away with two shadowy figures looking and one says "um Torlok why did we send her IF SHE WAS JUST GOING TO LOSE!!!" and Torlock replied "with every failure we learn something new and with the info your corrupted sister Luan got me lets just say".Then he picks up what looks like a spiked gear "We are gearing up to success Lola" and Lola looks at Torlock and says "really?".Then he akwardly looks and says"The joke was bad but trust me what this gear is will really stop any defense to Lincoln"and Torlock looks at the spiked gear "any if not most defense to him once they are mass produced".Then he turns and pulls a book on a book shelf with the shelf moving to the side and a sinister door appearing and Torlock says"The gears will stop them and whats behind here will help us"and he then suddenly laughs a loud wicked cackle and the outside is shown to what looks like a corrupted version of the loud house in the middle of the woods and the cackle being heard outside accompanied with a lightning strike.

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