Chapter 6 Do you believe in the magical council

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The time came and Lincoln with Star went with Moon to the magical council meeting.The moment entering the room Lincoln went wide eyed he saw a diamond headed guy with snake arms,a pale white girl with red hair horns with fire over her head and a skull headed giant with a galaxay on his body.Then Moon said "listen this meeting I know this meeting is out of the blue but first introduce yourselves to Lincoln"then pointing to Lincoln saying"I'll tell you who he is after introductions".The council looked at eachother and omnitraxus went first"Im omnitraxus"and then Rhombulus"uh im rhombulus"and Hekapoo went "sup names Hekapoo".Then Moon said"The reason you see him is because he is here is because he jumped dimensions and"Moon put her hand on Lincoln smiled at him and said"is my long lost son".There was silence and then Rhombulus ran towards him and spread Lincoln's arms out and saying"well im not gonna lie you will definately need some work but you'll get stronger"and Lincoln said"well um thanks".Then omnitraxus approached him saying"I've searched countless places and now your here I guess not even the space-time guy sometimes just isn't good enough"and Lincoln said"well sometimes we can't find answers right away its good to be persistant".Then Hekapoo went to him last saying "so you got big still got a crush"after saying that Hekapoo winked at him and Lincoln stuttered"uh n-no"and Hekapoo laughed.Then Moon said"ok now we need to talk about something important and thats Lincoln"and everyone turned to Moon and she continued"well considering he dimension jumped I've come to realize something and thats he is stronger than Star".Their mouths were open stronger than Star was insanely strong and Moon said"now since we can't rely on Glossryck the way he is now I have come to have a new idea of Lincoln getting stronger".Then Star said"uh mom how"and Moon looked at Star saying"well Star each of us will have him join us for certain amounts of time and see if we can teach him more magic in that time".Then Star responded with"no he can learn fast and with that staff he copied the cloudy charm"and everyone looked at the staff and then Hekapoo asked"wait have you done magic in the dimension you were in before".Then Lincoln said"no after I jumped I ran into a strange old man he gave me the staff and hood and dissappeared"and then Rhombulus said"well how were your family in that dimension".Then Lincoln tensed saying"um well you see um"everyone looked at him and Lincoln said"uh great".Then Hekapoo said"ok now seriously Link whats with your family in that dimension"and Lincoln thought trying to think of a way for it to sound not bad said"they might have made me sleep outside for being badluck".The plan failed as Moon and the council looked furious saying "what!"then Lincoln and told all about his family and the bad luck situation.The end of it Rhombulus looked ready to explode with anger saying"you know I don't get it I mean what kind of parents go on with a lie Like that I could just find them and"then he blasted a crystal in the corner saying"THAT".Then Hekapoo responded with"I know and I would love to get my hands on Lynn but it wouldn't be a fair fight".Then Omnitraxus said"don't worry Linc you'll learn abilities so you won't have to face jerks like them again"and Moon looked at him saying "why did you lie in the first place"and Lincoln said"being in a family that big you have to go to all the events and tournaments and no one is excluded so I thought if I had an excuse like luck maybe I could have free time be myself and not be forced to go to events".Then Lincoln cried a little saying"even when they tease you, belittle you and show up to none of your events and you know I try so hard to stop fighting and be a good brother but with them I feel like im a mistake."Then Star hugged Lincoln saying"Lincoln you saved me from being frozen you went out of your way when you didn't really know me your a great brother".Then Mom put her hand on him saying"I know whatever destiny you have instore it will be great"and every looked at Lincoln and nodded.This made him smile saying"thanks"and Moon said"you'll spend time with your sister tommorow and after that me then Rhombulus then omnitraxus and finally Heckapoo".This got Lincoln to smile for he realized he was having a life that was gonna be better than before and looking at Star said"so I guess i'll sleep in your room" and Star said"sure its ok with me Linkman".Then Lincoln thought 'the world of mewni better be prepared because Lincoln Butterfly is in town'.

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