Chapter 9: Darkness is apart of destiny part 2

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Vampis sighed and said "you see Eclipsa was one of two butterfly's to know about the our family".Then Lucy was about to ask when Vampis answered "the other one was selena the shy".Then Vampis continued "your mother was always an exploring type and one day she was found by me and Torlock and we became friends".Then he looked at the necklace "our relationship only advanced when we got our items Eclipsa got her wand and Your uncle since he was older got the necklace".Then Vampis sighed "The fact was Eclipsa and Torlock were close friends but nothing more" and then he blushed "but me and her well lets say we did more than kissed".Then vampis said"look Your the first child of eclipsa but when a queen gets pregnant she has to marry the one who did it otherwise there would be a scandal".Then Vampis looked at his stomach and then at Lucy and said" so I took the necklace and snuck into your mother castle and used a spell that-".Then he looked at his stomach and sighed"transfers pregnancy and I carried you"and Lucy's eyes went wide and Vampis said "yeah I dont like to talk about it and unfortunately the magic high commishion was getting suspicious so I unfortunately had to erase your mother's memories of me and when I was going to erase the spells your uncle taught Eclipsa I could hear guards coming so I left."Then Vampis said "I told Torlock about why I needed to erase her memories and although angry at first he eventually forgave me".Then Vampis looked to side and said "but it was what happend next was what started Torlock down the dark path".Then Vampis pointed to his stomach saying "There is a spell an ancestor named nevermore used to halt aging as long as certain requirements were met and as long as I didn't age you didn't".Then he looked at Lucy"I was going to have you just needed to know the right time so I was going to wait until I would be old enough to be alone".Then Vampis continued but meanwhile "your mother had married a snooty royal who me and Torlock hated".The look in his eyes turned to anger and said "but then she ran off with a monster and its not that I hate monsters its what the council and her married "husband" did.Then he looked sad saying "The woman who even after I was told to stay away from by your grampa but still protected"and Lucy felt sad for her father and even though she still was a little confused got up and hugged him.Then Vampis said"thank you" and Lucy sat back down and Vampis said"It was saddening to know the truth but it broke Torlock and corrupted him."Then Lucy looked confused going "what do you mean?"and Vampis said"Eclipsa and her monster love had a child and instead of having that child rule mewni ,her "husband" had her replaced with a peasent girl and vampis was enraged".Then vampis got up and walked in a circle"and eventually schemed and experimenting with magic created a new type of magic corruption magic".Then Vampis looked at Lucy and walked towards her saying "light and dark magic arent evil only tools for a user,but corruption magic corrupts any using or those effected by it so it was a evil source of magic."Then Lucy asked"wait im guessing he did something with that magic"and Vampis said"well it was what he told us he wanted to use the magic for that made father take the necklace from him,give it to me and exile him".Then though Lucy had hair covering her eyes she said"which was?"and Vampis adopted a serious look saying "after the replacement of Eclipsa's second child.The fact was he did not view things the same and he saw this new queen as an insult and that there was no new butterfly just a peasent picked because she was pretty and in a way the butterfly kingdom wasnt controlled by the butterflys but by the magic high commission.That the ravens should step out of the shadows and take the throne and then all of mewni because the kingdoms are just future butterfly kingdoms and one kingdom under one ruler is ultimate order and all enemies of this are to be eliminated."Then Lucy's eyes widened and she said"woah that sounds like a dictator"and Vampis said "Yep and Used the unaging spell alot over the years and shapeshifted to look older to father and eventually father died and while sad I eventually encountered Torlock again the day after the prince of the butterfly kingdom was taken".Then Vampis shook his head and said"The exhile didn't help him only it seemed to corrupt him more and when he appeared it was as if a madman was released and it not only looked like he was corrupt be created something corrupt."Then Vampis shivered" it looked like Moon the undaunteds wand only black cracked with a puple energy of corruption magic and the fight showed me how it appeared of equal power to the wand but unlike the wand even in the right hands it would be bad because the energy would corrupt any if not all wielding it I tried to stop Torlock and destroy the corrupted thing but if Torlock was good at one thing it was disappearing with magic and Im still looking for him."Then Vampis looked back at lucy saying "after the battle I was approached by the monster oracle Hunu who told me where the prince was and that I needed to wait until he was Three to have you and leave you to be raised with him, that when the day came were he would return to to mewni would be the day the Ravens and Butterflies would fight together again with the next one to stop the corruptor aka Torlock Raven."Then Lucy asked "who is the next one" and Vampis said"The prince aka Lincoln"and Lucy shocked said "wait why is he called the next one"and Vampis raised his hand saying "Its another long explanation".Then Vampis snapped his fingers and a door appeared behind Lucy and Vampis Said "I promise I'll explain tommorow but for now go in the room for now and rest and explain and teach you how to use the necklace". Then when Lucy went into the room to sleep and Vampis looked at his necklace saying" The next one is the one that was said to be stronger than the first one".

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