Chapter 7 Total ♠Eclipsa to heart

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The eventual end of the day came and Star and Lincoln went to bed since Lincoln did'nt have a room he slept on Star's couch.Then in the night Lincoln got up when something jumped up on him and looking at it saw a tiny blue oldman with a gem on his forehead.The only thing wierder than the man himself was what he said"Glopcore"then Lincoln saw a pink glove scratch the blue oldman's head this made him fall asleep.Then Lincoln moved the small blue man and looked at the pink gloved figure and what he saw was someone like Lucy.The woman had gray hair and spaids on her cheeks and when they looked at eachother Lincoln had a thought of 'she looks like an older Lucy'.Then the woman spoke saying "you look to be of an interesting person from what I can tell and heard you are my Grandson Lincoln".Then Lincoln's eyes widend going"uh yes im Lincoln who are you and where did you come from".Then the woman laughed saying"Im Eclipsa your I think 8th great grandma and the castle has many secret passages".Then Lincoln now curious said"wait if your that great a grandma how are you here?"and Eclipsa said"Im what you might call a black sheep of the family I ended up doing something the council saw as evil and I ended up getting crystalized for it".This got Lincoln's eyes really open and he asked scared "um what did you do"and Eclipsa said"Married a monster".This confused Lincoln him going"monster as in evil or literal monster?"and Eclipsa replied"Literal monster and good husband".This confused Lincoln and he went "if thats it only then why did you get crystalized"and Eclipsa said"Well I don't know myself and I invented many spells to have a chapter even though it was "forbidden".Then Lincoln shook his head going "some people will always try to find something to hate or persecute and love sadly falls in this category my friend Clyde has two dads and my ex sister Luna loved a girl".Then Eclipsa raised her eyebrow saying"ex sister?"and Lincoln sighed going "im going to have to propably tell this story alot".The next moment Lincoln spent explaining the bad luck situation at what was once his home and after explaining he said"you could say im the black sheep of that one family I was with".Then he looked at Eclipsa and she said"were not so different you and I"and then with tears in her eyes hugged him.Then she said"I was once like you but my mother died and I was expected to just take her throne and rule her kingdom".Then Lincoln said"being the middle brother I tried to keep everything in order even when others said with a family as big as mine it would be impossible".Then Eclipsa looked in his eyes saying"The thought of someone being forced in a corner of having to put balance in family of your size is just like I felt when I had to take my mother's throne".Then Lincoln without missing a beat said"like a job suited for someone else"and Eclipsa laughed saying"exactly but now we no need to worry you have a new family and I only have to worry about my trial."Then Lincoln said "trial?"and Eclipsa said"well yes you see when I was crystalized your mother briefly uncrystalized me and made a deal with me".Then Lincoln said"what was the deal"and Eclipsa said "I give her a spell to kill an immortal and I get my freedom when said immortal is dead".Then Lincoln said"why is there a trial when the deal sounds  legitamate and why would mom betray you"and Eclipsa then said"well it might have something to do with the fact the spell was dark" and then Eclipsa got close and whispered"I didn't even make the spell I learned it from a stange hooded man".Then Lincoln said"well I mean ive delt with things like that I mean I had a sister named Lucy who was into darkness".Then Eclipsa smiled saying"Darkness is like light we need it just the same without light its too dark without dark too bright and that is why there is day and night"and Lincoln laughed saying"lucy was into poetry and you sounded just like her".Then Eclipsa smiled saying"well I must get going before the guards check my room seeing im not there"and Eclipsa said"captin coming aboard"this revealed a hidden passage.Then Lincoln watched Eclipsa go through the secret passage he thought 'best grandma ever'and Eclipsa when back in her room thought 'he is so much more rational than Moon and I think i'll visit him more often'.Then Eclipsa and Lincoln in there rooms both went to sleep.

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