chapter 8 : darkness is apart of destiny part 1

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Lucy woke up but when she did it was in a cave and Lucy looking at it thought one thing 'my new dark place'.Then a voice said"yes it is great for darkness and we already found something in common".Then Lucy looked around saying "whoose there show yourself spirit"and the figure laughed saying "just like your mother".Then a figure wearing a robe appeared behind her saying boo and this startled Lucy.Then it said"don't fear Lucy Im just a friend and you are a pleasent suprise".Then Lucy asked "who are you"and the figure said"tell me what do you know of your father".Then Lucy said"he likes to talk british, is a chef and-"though before Lucy could finish the figure burst out laughing.This confused Lucy and she asked"what's so funny"and the figure looked at her saying "thinking that spineless man is your father heck he isnt even a man the women control everything in that house and he lacks backbone to be a real father".This shocked Lucy saying"I should curse you for saying that"and it this point the figure got serious saying "That isnt possible...yet".Then Lucy looked confused saying "why are you confusing me and why am I here".The figure said "The real question is who is your real father"and Lucy said"um Lynn loud senior?".Then the figure said "no vampis raven"and the figure removed his hood revealing black hair and eyes with white but pupils of black so dark its scary and white skin similar to Lucy and his mouth covered by a scarf but looking at him she was shocked.This caused her to attempt to ask and before she could though he said "yes I am your father"and Lucy said "This it isn't possible and how is it possible".This caused vampis to sigh and snap his fingers causing a necklace to pull out and be shown around his neck (one seen above) and two black chairs apeared and he said "to understand that you must know about the Ravens and the Butterflys".This caused Lucy to ask "what do you mean" and Vampis said "some history on our family,me and the one I will train you to stop your uncle-".This caused him to look angry and finish his sentance saying"Torlock"and Lucy sat and Vampis began saying"The truth is two artifacts came from two beings a wand from a magical Butterfly entity and a necklace from a black raven entity".Then Vampis said"The artifacts were given to two families these would be known as the Butterflys and Ravens and together were used in the mewnipendence war though during the war many people on both sides were against the necklace due to its power being from the realm of dark magic.The end result was direct and indirect backlash from men on his own side and that caused the decision that the Ravens need to remain hidden until they are needed again after the war and used the necklaces power to erase the Raven's from Mewni and all of history". Then Vampis "This working on everyone in Mewni and like the Butterflys training every generation but in secret for generations and making sure the family was unknown to Mewni".Then Vampis looked at Lucy and said "Then when I was about your age I met the woman who would be called your mother"Then there was a pause and and Lucy saw a tear escape Vampis eye and he looked at her saying"the one me and Torlock loved...".Then he looked at her and said "Eclipsa Butterfly".

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