Chapter 3 The return

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Lincoln wasn't in a jump for a moment but some hours since when he jumped it was night and coming out day.Though Lincoln was confused he also realized he was in the middle of a forest and was lost.The whole incident got him remembering one thing 'if lost try to find civilization'.Then Lincoln walked away failing to notice the strange marks on his cheek.The walk was uneventful although everything looked shaken for some reason he pressed on.This was until he saw a tent and sitting in it was a small old man which didn't scare him but when he got closer he saw his features.The old man had bottom teeth sticking out like a bulldog, pointed ears, snake eyes and skin so gray it looked like ash.Then the old man looked at Lincoln and it wasn't a look of surprise or anger but of expecting.Then the old man spoke and said in a voice that was deep"I've been expecting you Abraham".This confused Lincoln and he looked around wondering who he was talking to.The old man then said"of course you are named his last name Lincoln"it didn't take Lincoln long to realize what he meant.Then the old man said "but like him you are destined to do something great".This confused Lincoln more and was noticed by the old man and he said"sit Linc and i'll help you".Though he was very confused he sat and the old man pulled out what looked like turkey legs only the size of his head and said"eat this griffin leg while I explain".The look of shock of apparent in his face he nodded and complied.The oldman said"you may call me Hunu thats pronouced who knew"Then Lincoln said "ok can I ask where am I because I think I hit my head and dreaming".Then Hunu said in a smirk"with Earth you got use to science but in Mewni you'll have to get use to magic".Then Hunu snapped his fingers and a pink flame appeared and then the fire turned to shape of a four side diamond.Then he snapped his other hand and red fire appeared and shaped a heart then he looked at Lincoln and it was a look some expectation.There were now two symbols next to Hunu and Lincoln looking at them and feeling the same feeling when he heard the voice like he's suppose to know.Then Lincoln looked in Hunu's eyes and said"how can this find my family"and Hunu looked went in the tent and came out with a cape with a hood and wooden staff.Then Lincoln again got his confused look and Hunu said"This hood when covering something hides sight and makes noise you make mute".Then Lincoln pointed at the staff saying"and that does"Hunu looked at him saying"think of something it will do something and give the action a spell name and it will
make a spell you can use by saying its name".Then Lincoln said"uh anything else"and Hunu said "yes in this quest of finding what was lost look not for demons,pidgeons,and ponyheads but for Butterflies".Then Lincoln said" anything else"and Hunu not batting and eye said"stand up turn around and walk five steps and turn around".Then Lincoln stood up Hunu handed him the hood and staff and while holding them did what he said.Though turning around it looked like Hunu was never there and Lincoln now being used to it put the hood on walking with staff just wondering what he meant.Though Hunu was in a tall tree behind him going"Though I see you attacked by an evil ugly inside and out you will be helped by the opposite".The trek of Lincoln walking had him curious does the staff work like it was said and Lincoln stopped and thought of what got him here bad luck.Then the top of the staff glowed red and shot at a bird the bird crashed into a tree fallimg and landing in an ant hill the bird now covered in ants jumped into what it thought was water but was drool and when he got the ants off was eaten whole by a wolf.Then Lincoln looked at the staff and thought of a name for it and then pointed at another bird saying "bad luck blast".The bird was flying when it suddenly got eaten by a bigger bird and while watching he heard groaning and looking saw a man pulling a cart full of corn going slowly with a bent over back.Then Lincoln thought 'could I do it in reverse'and so Lincoln thought about good luck and said "good luck gain".The man fell and Lincoln heard his back pop and then the man got up back fully straight backed and happy and with one hand running pulled it like it weighed nothing.Though Lincoln was happy it was soon replaced with fear when he heard a loud roar and going to see what was it was a red dragon.Then Lincoln thought 'wait I can hide with my hood' and putting on the hood saw it turn camoflage and when he walked in sight of it had the dragon not notice him.That was till it smelled and it smelled Lincoln and when he noticed he jumped dodging a fire blast and then thinking said"gum glob".This shot giant globs of gum and the dragon running towards Lincoln got his feet stuck.Then after dodging a fire blast Lincoln thought again and said"Muzzle maw".This had the jaws of the dragon tied down by what looked like red ribbon and Lincoln ran getting distance.Then Lincoln thought'ok how do you slay a dragon fast' and then before he could say a spell he heard running.Then before he could see who it was heard a loud but familiar female voice say"NARWHAL BLAST".

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