Chapter 4 unknown reunion

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Then what happened next puzzled Lincoln he saw what appeared to be a flying narwhal hit the dragon knocking it out.Then he Looked and saw what in the dust looked like a girl with horns but when it cleared he saw a girl with blonde hair wearing red horns and a dress.Then she walked toward the dragon and Lincoln moved away from her.The fact was since he was wearing his hood to her he wasn't there and when looking at this girl he felt something and it was strange.The girl then held what looked like a wand firm and said"I know someone is here show yourself your not in trouble".The fact was Lincoln did feel something a sort of awakend feeling though he did not realize it he took his hood off.There they were the girl met eyes with Lincoln and the same for him.There was a strange silence until the girl said"did you immobilize this fire dragon".Then Lincoln said"I was trying to avoid it and it attacked me I immoblized it and was about attack it".Then she smiled saying"I like your style and I feel like we've met before"and Lincoln smiled saying "same here".The girl held out her hand saying"Star Butterfly"and Lincoln connected his saying"Lincoln".Then Star said"you know I've heard there is an ice dragon attacking a small village".Then Lincoln said"you know what that fight was interesting and I want to know what other abilities I have".Then Star smiled and thought 'where have I seen you before'and Lincoln thought'this feeling its almost like im suppose to know her'.Then Star said a spell"cloudy summoning charm"and seeing this Lincoln Thought saying the same spell only his cloudy was orange.The look on Star's face was of shock and looking her wand thought'The wand was the only thing that could cast that spell so how did he'.The flight was uneventful until they saw what looked like a flying ice chunk flying past them and seeing that went to the ground.Then walking towards it saw a blue dragon shooting ice and freezing the area around it.Then Star said"lets go" and Lincoln grabbed her arm saying"fire hurts its target but ice immobilizes now we can't go in blind in risk of getting frozen".Then Star said "well then what do we do wait for it to freeze everything"then Lincoln said"no I have a plan that if done right will stop it".Then the next moment was disscussing the plan and star liked it so they hi fived and said"break".Then dragon was hit with a Narwhal blast and soon it was Star hitting him with numerous attack spells.The moment while Star was distracting it Lincoln moved above it with a summoned cloudy and when the dragon was in the right position Lincoln said"ok now move".Then Lincoln said"Tar trap" and out of his staff shot hot tar immobilizing the dragon.Then Lincoln flew down and Star said"you know I usually don't go with plans but that was good Linkman".The moment was immediately stopped when they heard a freezing noise and then a blue tail smacking between them.This sent them in opposite directions and when it did the dragon shook off any unfrozen tar.The moment she hit a rock wall she reached for her wand only her hands were stuck by tar and her mouth was covering her closed mouth with tar.This made Star panick because she was immobalized and gagged and what made her really freak out was when she saw the dragon walking towards her about to fire a freezing blast.Though behind the dragon although dazed Lincoln got up and when he saw star and the dragon knew what was going to happen.This caused not worry to happen but a strange roaring rage inside him and he said"hey you blue iguana if your going to attack something attack something that can fight back".That made what Star saw a look of offense on the dragon as it turned around growling and when she looked at Lincoln saw his cheeks glowing orange.Then Lincoln said"you know you remind me of a girl I use to know named Lynn she picked on me because she thought I was weak although looking at it now fighting on unequal terms make you like her weak".Though Star could not see the dragon's face hearing it growl louder sounded like it was more offended and about to strike.Then looking at Lincoln saw the glow begin to take shape and that his face was of protecting anger.Then when the dragon fired his freezing blast Lincoln said"MAGMA MEGA SHOT"this caused an eruption of magma to fire from his staff and easily beat the freezing blast covering the dragon.The ice dragon tried freezing the magma off but instead imprisoned itself in a hardend rock prison.The heat was enough to free Star and looking at Lincoln saw his cheeks now had orange scales(in the picture above).Then Star said"hey I know this is personal but who is your family"and Lincoln said"I don't know im looking for my real family after my fake family abused me".This got Star's eyes widend saying"WHAT!"and then Lincoln explained everything about the bad luck to going on a personal quest to find his real family.Then Star put her hand on Lincoln's shoulder and said"I know who ever your family is they would be proud to have a son like you and you know I think I know who they are".Then Lincoln said"you do?"and Star pulled out a mirror and Lincoln saw scales on his cheeks and Star said"you normally see cheek marks on female members of my family on my mom's side but your the first male Butterfly to have them".Then Star said"The point is we could go to my mom and find out which part of the family your on maybe your a distant cousin".Then Lincoln with a look of hope said"lets go"they both summoned their cloudys and flew to the castle.Then inside the castle Moon was sitting on her throne when Star bursted in and Moon saw someone standing outside.Then Moon said"Star what is going on" and Star said "ok long story short I might have found a possible relative of our family on your side".Then Moon said"possible?"and Star said"yeah and he is special he has cheek marks".This got Moon's eye brows raised a male butterfly with cheek marks was unheard of and Moon said"send him in".Then Star said "c'mon in Lincoln"and when Moon heard this she realized fate brought her the one she was looking for.Then from the outside Lincoln walked into view and then queen Moon realized why she wanted to find him and Lincoln asked bowing "um your highness do you know who my family is".Then Moon walked closer to him and said with strangly tears in her eyes said"yes" and Lincoln said"well then are you an aunt or something".Then Moon put one hand on Lincoln saying with tears in her eyes and a smile"you are my"and hugging him closing her eyes and smiling with tears said"son".This got Lincoln and and Stars eyes wide open and Star looking at Lincoln suddenly realized she did know him this was her brother.This prompted her to smile with tears in her eyes and run also hugging him and while Lincoln was being hugged felt something he didn't feel with his fake family calm.Then Lincoln thought 'I don't know what separated me from them but it won't do it again'.

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