Chapter 10 Terror and a Tiara

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The time was nine at night and Lola was in her room and furious.Then Lola walked to the living room it was already bed time but everyone was already gone or too depressed to do anything.Then Lola turned on the T.V and what she saw made her even more sad and mad.The news reported on Lincolns disappearance and told how both Rita and Lynn senior given the fact they also told them how things naturally go in the loud house will be lucky to be out at elderly age.The story then turned to how bad Lana's condition was because of her "messy" lifestyle she would be in the hospital a while.There was talk about Lily being taken by a couple of traveling explorers and how they were trying to get ahold of them but didnt know where they were.The icing on the cake was that telling how all the sister where now banned from their activities and now infamous to everyone.The moment Lola was about to unfornately curse the phone rang and she being the only one not depressed or made dumb answered it.The person on the end of the line was the last person Lola wanted to talk to aunt Ruth saying"yes hello listen I dont have time to talk long im moving out and its cause the court made me guardian until something is decided so im moving in".The next thing aunt Ruth said made Lola shudder "oh and tell Lola with Lincoln gone she'll have to rub my foot".The air was incredibly thick and Lola was shaking with anger and sadness when the phone hanged up she went near the chimney and in her rage kicked it.The area shook and one thing shook the aniversary photo of the fire place and Lola picking it up said"I was happy when you stayed and happy when you left but now thanks to you Stinkin me and the entire family are in ruins".Then a voice behind her said"oh I agree"and Lola turning around covered her face said"who are you"and the figure stepped out and said"the good brother Torlock".This confused Lola and her eyes saw a cloaked figure with blacked hands and she asked "um ok why are you here".Then Torlock said" have you ever felt Lincoln didnt belong that he wasnt meant to be here and was utterly a burden".Then Lola eyes opened said "um yes"and Torlock said"well you'll be happy to know that he isnt related to you and were going to make him regret hurting you".Then Lola said "wait what" and Torlock said "you see he is a butterfly and they are an evil family".This made Lola curious and she said "go on"and Torlock started"The butterfly family are a prejeduice family of royals who rule a lazy dumb kingdom".Then Torlock put his hand up and said"you know if a man steals something from there a prison sentance is given but if a monster is even seen there they will immediately take out fire and pitchforks and blame him".The he started twirling his hand "the butterflies rule with a facade kindness to other kindoms but to monsters they show an iron fist."Then a dark aura surrounded Torlock's twirling hand "The moment one good butterfly was born with the right idea they imprisoned her and it was with their evil magic council".Then what Lola didn't notice was a dark mist trail behind her and touched her crown and Torlock continueing said"my brother had a foolish plan and he thought that by taking a by not yet corupted by their evil he could save it from becoming evil".Then the mist touching Lola's crown surrounded it in a dark aura while also turn the silver crown into a black crown and at this point Lola felt something.The concience inside her getting quiter and quieted until nothing.The Torlock smiled "he gave them memories so he was accepted but it was too late he was already evil and now he's back with his evil family".The moment after he said"That is why I came to you because together we can stop them"Torlock then pulled out a hand mirrior and touched its back and it showed Star and Lincoln bouncing around.Then looking at the mirrior Lola grew angrier and said"you have taken everything from me now I'll take eveything from you"and the mirror magically broke and Torlock held his hand out and said"you with me".The good in her silenced she took his hand and said"yes"and upstairs Lori said depressed "Lola what broke" and Lola donning a psychotic smile said" I'll come and tell you"and going up the stairs Lori,Luan and even Lisa's screams could be heard and Torlock smiling an evil smile knowing they like Lola were being corrupted and said"The puppet master found his puppets and the shows about to start".

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