Chapter 5 A Friend turns family an enemy once family

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The doors to the throne room came open and River stood shocked and said"Moon,Star what going on".Then when both his sister and mom stopped hugging him Lincoln looked at River going "um hi dad?".Then when River looked at him and smiled ran up and hugged him spinning him around saying "you've returned".Then putting him down said"My boy where have you been all this time"and Moon said "yes I would also quite like to know".This made Lincoln freeze and Star as well as both knew that whatever took Lincoln made their parents sad.Though if they learned about the louds and the "bad luck" incident lets say that the louds could expect a royal punishment.Then thinking about it Lincoln said"oh we don't need to worry about that at least not now".This got Moon's eyebrow raised saying "very well"and she turned to Star and said"Star go take Lincoln to your room I have to go arrange a meeting with the magical council and you'll both be coming with me".Then River looked to Moon saying"Lincoln I like that name"and Moon said"well I think his family gave him that name but I dont know about them the way he seemed to avoid them shows somethings wrong".The walk to Star's room was short and when inside and Star asked"why did you avoid the truth"Lincoln said"some of my ex family are still good and don't need to be punished because there either an airhead,baby or other".Then Star said"eh okay well we got sometime to kill what do you wanna do"and Lincoln thought and went"um maybe make fun with our magic".This got Star knowing just the spell and casted bouncehouse and they bounced and bounced meanwhile in front of a mirror.There were two eyes angerly looking at it and remembering.(flashback)The loud family were driving down the road to the beach when the van broke down and every sister had to push it.They made it to the beach finding the only place to sit was area full of garbage which most of the family hated though Lana liked it and rolled in it.The first case of bad luck to happen was to an older sister was Leni when she ended up falling asleep without suntan lotion causing a sun burn.The second was Lynn who being competitive swam way too far and when realizing was already to far and got lost surrounded by ocean.This prompt Lynn and Rita to try to get help and while watching Lori saw Bobby and told Lori about knowing about Lincoln saying they were "Literally over".This left Lori with a broken heart and when Lynn and Rita were close to getting help Lana ended up throwing up so bad that she needed medical attention.The following having them to go to a hospital and Lana having to be admitted.Though unfortunately for Rita and Lynn Leni accidentally ended up putting Lily in the newborn bed her being taken out and with her new foreign family .The parents now reviewing they had 7 seven kids with them of course going home to deal with everything of course in the parking lot Luna accidentally got her fingers crushed to were she had to be admitted.The drive home was uneventful until they got home and once inside Luan got depressed and moped in her room.The parents now flustered beyond belief went"kids Lori's in charge" and left to get everything settled.Though the bad luck didn't cease lucy wanting some place dark to write poetry walked into a box but unknowingly what she didn't know was of it being a teleporter and accidentally teleporting her somewhere dark.The hours were long and the parents were gone a long time and Lola looking for Lucy wandered into Lisa's room and splashed chemicals on her face.Then Lisa rushed in to her room only to end up hitting a vial spilling a chemical on her head and a voice recording saying "the following formula will make any one effected have an IQ of a Neanderthal but easily cured if I make make an antidote unless im affected"looking at the scene every loud had something against lincoln and looking at herself in the mirror the loud sister.Then she remembered finding out about her parents getting arrested and how Lincoln has a new royal family.Then the sister punched the mirror saying "You made me lose everything now I'll TAKE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!!!".

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