Chapter 13 Origin of magic

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No one pov
Flash back
The thing we're looking at is of Lucy and Vampis were training with the power of magic and the pendant that they had.This was mostly surprisingly easy for Lucy probably due to her raven heritage ,but there was one thing that was on her mind right now.This was sensed by her father who asked "what's wrong" and Lucy said "I've got to ask I can understand Star and me being able to use magic ,but how is it that Lincoln is able to".Then with a serious look on his face Vampis looks to his daughter and says "alright be aware though it's also the reason we must protect him as I'm pretty sure something will happen".Then his hand glowed and bright flash happened which Lucy had to cover her eyes for and when she opened them they were in a black void and her father responded "it's similar to the story of Christmas Carol no one can see or hear us these are merely visions of the past".Then he pointed all around him saying "this is the great before as before there was anything there was darkness and that includes other universes".Then he points to a specific place technically speaking "nothing would be born here except there was one thing" and all of the sudden a bright flash appeared.This brought about a new figure to the eyes of Lucy and Vampis with her responding "it looks like one of those no faced full body mannequins"and Vampis replies "and I bet it's half and half with one half looking like a rainbow and the other a dark purplish black it's shape is dependent on what the user sees as I see a snake but instead of having an end it has a snake head where it's tail should be with it divided down the middle of it".Then Lucy asked "who or what is that" and Vampis replied " the first one or more accurately the one source of magic" and Lucy's eyes open so wide you could see a small white of them over her bangs.Then Vampis said "it was born in this void a being born from nothing and just spent most of its incredibly long life searching this nothing for anything else".Then even though it didn't have a face in her vision she felt a feeling of sadness emanating from it and Vampis said "we are at the moment where it realized that there was nothing besides it and that ultimately gave it sadness".Then Lucy said "what happened something had to happen in order for the multiverse to happen right" and vampis looking serious said" even though it had no one to teach it the moment it was born it knew how to use its powers it was like a god with its powers and using the powers it had saw one way for there to be more than just itself".Then Lucy saw the gigantic magical figure begin to shake but before something could happen her father and her disappeared in a flash of light and appeared in a strange area with a pink sky and golden water below her.This was when vampis said "it basically blew itself up and the reason I teleported us was because let's just say the flash was so powerful it won't just make you blind but well the less said the better".This made her question why did it it blow itself up was it really that sad and sensing his daughter's question said"no Lucy it foresaw a way for it to live with more than just itself it's death created the realm of magic and pay attention to those glowing pools over there".Then says he said that two glowing orbs appeared one a rainbow colored one and the other a purplish black one appeared and both like eggs hatched.Then two small figures appeared one a six-armed butterfly winged little girl made of rainbow energy and the other a little girl with six Raven wings made of this purplish black energy.This was when Vampis chimed in "the one with the butterflies wings is the source of light magic and the one with Raven wings is the source of dark magic both were born in the realm of magic and they lived there for a while."Then the vision seem to fast forward as I saw those girls flying around going all over the place in aging at an accelerated rate going from child to young teenager mid teenager,old teenager to eventually grown up women.Then the vision stopped seemingly where they began in the exact spot they were before and Vampis chimed in "just like the father that came before them they also seemingly had omnipotent powers but seemingly only when they use their powers together could they access their progenitors strength and just like the one use their powers to see into the past and find out their origin and that led to their next decision".Then Lucy saw both figures put their hands up and an orb of light left both of them combining and creating what was essentially a small little blue man with a beard and a gem on his forehead.There was a moment of silence before both seemingly vanished into the golden water of the realm of magic and it confused Lucy until she heard "both of them wanted to be with their originator and knew they couldn't travel back to be with them so ultimately used their powers and saw away for them too."Then campus fast forwarded to show two events where it was strangely split screened with one side showing a baby with cheek marks and the other with dark purple hair.Then it still split screen fast forward it again only this time showing progression child turning into adults and eventually giving birth to another child and it seemingly went on and while this was happening Vampis explained.This was when the most serious look in his eyes appeared "the small blue man was named Glossaryck and was basically in charge of taking over the control of magic and the two entities were reincarnated into the butterfly and Raven family."Then division stopped with Star on the right and Lucy on the left with Vampis then explaining "This was because just like them the one would be reincarnated into the second one a being that could exist as basically the embodiment of magic".Then Lincoln appeared between the two of them and suddenly Lucy and her father found themselves in the spot they were before and Vampis continued "that is ultimately what Lincoln could be you and star are both powerful but in honesty you are just technically a step below Lincoln ,The entity of the Raven and butterfly both represent different sides of magic our family is dark and the butterflies is light."Then Vampis looked to the pendant "we are both similar but Lincoln is essentially a lot more powerful Star was able to rebirth the realm of magic because both entities contained a remnant of the first one's power."This was when he looked into his daughter's eyes and she could see his fear "but if the realm of magic were to be destroyed again and Lincoln could use his full power he could restore it with just a snap of his fingers ,this is what a God is he may have a mortal body but that is why we have to protect him from your uncle because just like I showed you our father showed us the origin of magic and unfortunately not only do I know but he does as well that Lincoln maybe the second one."This scared Lucy because if her father said was true then there would be a serious problem but she understood from the visions and explanations she understood something. That while both her and Star were powerful with magic Lincoln could essentially be the embodiment of magic able to manipulate it in ways that they couldn't or even dreamed of. That have Torlock found a way to use corruption magic he'd essentially have control over all magic in existence because Lincoln carries the mantle and Vampis said "this is the reason why we have to stop your uncle I don't know what he has planned but he knows and I know that Lincoln may be the second one and although he hasn't unlocked his full potential we have a feeling it could be very very powerful".Then Vampis looked behind Lucy thoughtfully "this doesn't mean we're completely alone your brother has fought valiantly against the corrupted mechanicians of my brother but growing up with him he was crafty".Then Lucy feeling shocked scared and worried with  the her father getting a soft look in his eyes "but I was always good at figuring out his tricks once I got a good look at them"and Vampis said "training's over I got to go do something just relax Lucy Torlock may be powerful but Lincoln's got Star,you and he's getting stronger every day".This would comfort most of her ,but she knew that a part of her would be a bit more afraid she wasn't supposed to play favorites but before finding out the truth Lincoln was her favorite sibling.The brother who had her back taking the blame for her to protect her from shame and ridicule because of her heartless sisters actions and comforting her in her hardest moments.This was when Lucy went into her new room to take a nap and process this new information as it was a lot to take in about Lincoln's new role.The man with the plan had become the second one the basic embodiment of magic itself with him now just needing to learn how to use his powers.This was a lot to take in for Lucy with her lying in her bed for quick nap the moment before she went to sleep she made a thought and a promise'Lincoln I may not have been able to stop the bad luck situation but I will stop my uncle'.
Present time

Torlock pov

This was a moment I had to think I needed for plan my next plan to get more for the extractor and that was when it hit me and called "Queen Bee get in here".Then I saw a bunch of light blue bee's flying in and forming a bee like teenage girl with four wings ,arms and a stinger and all navy blue.Then in an irritated tone she said "what is it I was literally having a statue built in my honor by behemoth as the leader I'm literally the most important."This was Lori in her case both of her parents left her in charge a lot and she pretty much got a incredibly large ego and superiority complex thinking just because she's the oldest she gets everything first.This amplified when she became corrupted into Queen Bee and overall became the second most annoying corrupted next to Lola and ultimately she designated herself the leader even though the original goal was just a democracy but I guess it's that corrupted arrogance that she had due to her being the oldest.Then I said "listen I know you're the best yes you're the second best Queen around" and that got her going has she angrily said "second" and I said "yes I mean queen moon is technically the first I mean look at how she ran that Kingdom especially after the war I guess if something were to happen to her you would be the greatest but she's pretty healthy right now" and after saying that queen bee turned into a swarm of bees and flew out just the way I planned it. This girl when threatened would try to get rid of threats I mean she practically rigged her sister's driving test because she threatened to not be the only person to be able to drive.This was a slam dunk I was about to laugh evilly until I heard something break in the kitchen and I groaned and yelled out loud"Fabwrath what did I say about messing with things you're not supposed to".This led me to hear "like how was I supposed to know the plate wouldn't stay in the air like it did it when put on the table" and I groaned Fabwrath was definitely the third most annoying and here I was having to clean up her mess again.

No one pov

These are a bunch of new developments a origin on Lincoln's ,The threat of a new corrupted and possibly a source of comedic misfortune to the bad guys due to one of their corrupted what will happen next what does queen bee have planned who is fabwrath.These questions and more answered coming up in the next chapters of a loud butterfly.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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