Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

My hand shot out from under my duvet as I searched for my phone on my bedside table. I kept my eyes closed, hoping for an extra five minutes of sleep when I finally turned my alarm off. No such luck.

"Wake up, Mia! First day of sixth form!" My mum entered my room, letting in the sunlight into my pitch black room. I groaned and finally shut off my alarm, bringing my phone to my face to check the time. 7:30am.

My head was pounding, and I had sudden bouts of dizziness. I definitely overdid it at the wedding reception a couple of days ago. My head has been aching ever since. I grumbled, and grabbed for my dressing gown, before I threw back my covers, exposing my body to the freezing air.

'Winter has come way too early,' I thought, as I slipped my ice-cold feet into my slippers. I yawned before I made my way to the kitchen, putting on the kettle for some coffee and slipped a couple slices of bread into the toaster. My headache hadn't let up, so as soon as I made my coffee, I took a couple of ibruprofen.

I sat in the living room with my mum and she put the news on. It was the usual crap, politicians, murders, and the weather. So postive and uplifting! Not! I took a drink of my coffee, hoping to wake up a little more.

"I can't believe you are entering sixth form today!" my mum practically squealed, and I glared at her. She was being way too enthusiastic for this time in the morning. "You're becoming so grown-up!"

My mouth was full of toast, so I couldn't answer her. I gave a sudden jump as I received four Mind-Messages at once.

Rachel: 'Can't believe we are starting sixth form today! See you at school!'

Racquelle: 'Looking forward to my classes today! Hopefully that idiot (Ellis) didn't attain his required grades, I don't have enough patience for him!'

Kevin: 'Starting sixth form today, sweetheart?  Not long until you're an adult!'

Louis: 'Hey, I decided to do sixth form at your school! Don't tell Rachel, I want to surprise her!'

"Are you okay, Mia?" my mum asked, who probably observed me almost hit the ceiling.

"I'm fine, I had the heebie jeebies," I lied, maintaining eye contact with my mum. She doesn't seem convinced, and she raises her eyebrow, acting like she knows more than she actually does. As if, of course she doesn't know about Vocaloid Actors. Dad wouldn't be that stupid.

He's still asleep, slowly becoming better. My temper is wearing thin nowadays, having to fetch and carry for him when he clearly can walk around with no effort.

I swallow the last bite of my toast and drink the last dregs of coffee, draining my mug. I leave the living room, placing my dirty dishes on the counter in the kitchen. I brush my teeth and wash my face in the bathroom, and grab a pair of leggings from the clean clothes in the basket on the way back to my room.

I click play on my 'Favourite Songs' playlist and dance to Reversible Campaign as I put on my leggings and a grey sweatshirt with black patterning on the front. It's so cold outside, so it's neccessary to keep warm. I brush my hair and plait it, before securing it with a red hairband. I pull on black trainers with pale blue laces. Finally, I pulled my band onto my wrist, which I certainly can't forget. I wear it everywhere, ignoring the constant questions of why I wear it.

I smile as it makes me remember how I would constantly bug Rachel about it, before I found my own band. She frequently tells me that I now know how she felt. I pack my lunch with crisps, a sausage roll, a yoghurt and a packet of biscuits and make up a massive bottle of Vimto. I can't stand plain water on its own.

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